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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Community Wealth Building (CWB)

Through our Chief Executive Anna Fowlie’s role on the Scottish Government’s Community Wealth Building

About the sector

people also call us not-for-profit sector, charity sector, social enterprise sector, NGOs (non-government,They are: For social, environmental or public benefit Organised, i.e. have a constitution Self-governing,responsible for decisions, including winding up the organisation Non-statutory, i.e. independent from government

Model constitutions

model constitution as a whole, and make adjustments as appropriate, to ensure that it reflects the governance,using the model constitutions to determine what type of legal entity – and what key features of the governance

Gathering Event Host Terms and Conditions

cancelled or postponed (by SCVO or the SEC/venue) due to Covid restrictions imposed by Scottish Government,If concerns are outwith government guidance some or all of the costs will be incurred by the event host

New charity law in Scotland

called for engagement with and support for the sector throughout, and we’ve supported Scottish Government,Here are some of our specific responses and projects: SCVO responded to the Scottish Government’s consultation


Understanding and respecting the difference between governance and operations, delegating operational

Cyber resilience

Alison Brogan as Third Sector Cyber Resilience Co-ordinator, who will work closely with Scottish Government

Freedom of information

services for disabled people, to the rationale behind the funding decisions made by central or local government

SCVO respond to Scottish Budget 2025/26

“We stand ready to support the government to make those recommendations a reality.,prize is a sustainable sector, strong public services, and resilient communities – one the Scottish Government,Treasury’s plans to hike employer National Insurance contributions: “It is welcome that the Scottish Government,“The Scottish Government must plan for all eventualities.

SCVO Briefing: Scottish Budget 2025/2026

Summary SCVO and colleagues across the voluntary sector welcomed the Scottish Government’s commitment,We continue to urge the Chancellor to change course – and welcome both the Scottish Government’s and,Aligning the Scottish Government’s “Fairer Funding” principles with SCVO’s definition of Fair Funding,Fair Funding SCVO welcomes the Scottish Government commitment to deliver ‘Fairer Funding’ by 2026.,Draw the Scottish Government’s attention to oral evidence on the Scottish Government’s recent consultation

Funding Scotland