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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Child Poverty: a Final Report to the Local Government and Communities Committee of the Scottish Parliament

This research was commissioned in August 2008, following the setting up of an Inquiry in Spring 2008 to examine Child Poverty in Scotland. The main purpose of the research was to fill a gap in the evidence base and to obtain the views of parents living in poverty and of the...

The State and the Voluntary Sector: recent trends in government funding and public service delivery

At a time when public expenditure is under pressure, this NCVO research publication contains the latest easy-to-understand intelligence on the UK statutory funding relationship. Figures typically refer to 2006-07 although some figures, such as those relating to the value of tax...

HR for creatives

organisationsNational collections and national performing companies (see full list on the Scottish Government,creative industries, which could put them at a disadvantage in the implementation of the Scottish Government’s,We distribute funding from the Scottish Government and The National Lottery.

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

We have worked in partnership with Scottish Government on the pandemic response as well as on policy,We worked with Scottish Government and independent grant-makers to create a Coronavirus Funding Hub offering,Information Hub with information and resources on areas including funding, running organisations, governance,innovative e-learning platform for small voluntary sector organisations covering the basics of governance,We became a gateway organisation for the UK government’s Kickstart scheme, working with 121 voluntary

Evaluation of the Scottish Recovery Network

This evaluation of the Scottish Recovery Network (SRN) was commissioned by the Scottish Government and

Towards a Green Jobs Strategy - Opportunities for Business Consultation

This document is intended to foster discussion with interested parties, to inform the development of a Green Jobs Strategy. While a refreshed Smart, Successful Scotland will, as now, set out broad priorities, we need a Green Jobs Strategy to take a more detailed look at how we...

Burness Paull

able to bring experience from across a huge range of legal specialisms, including charity law, governance

Employer National Insurance: why we must keep up the pressure

the precarious nature of voluntary sector funding, but it appears to be largely ignored within government,That is why we must not give up on pushing the government at Westminster to recognise this issue and,The UK Autumn Budget created this problem, and the UK Government can and must offer a solution.,The continuing lack of actions from government puts some voluntary sector services and organisations,at risk, and seriously undermines the promises made by this new government about partnership working

Funding Scotland