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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Our view: what we said during pre-budget scrutiny

significant economic actor and employer and the need for long-term funding models, a flexible approach to procurement

SCVO response - Long-Term Financial Sustainability of Local Government

Traditional approaches to commissioning and procurement, coupled with financial pressures on councils,More talking and negotiating, rather than formal commissioning and procuring.,This open conversation – as opposed to the transactional nature of a classic procurement process (where,As part of this, the council looked to reform the way it was procuring its youth work services.,At this time, the area’s youth work services were procured in the traditional fashion, but Kevin Wells

Top tips for becoming a data-driven charity

Too often, organisations interpret being data-driven as a procurement process.,Procurement might be what’s needed at some point - but it’s unlikely to be what’s needed first.As well

SCVO response to the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery

Rethinking procurement: There must be a significant shift to person-centred procurement models that put,Rethinking procurement There must be a significant shift to person-centred procurement models that put,Existing procurement models often do not respect the harsh realities that voluntary organisations are,Traditional procurement models also do not take account of the capacity issues felt by many specialist,Local Equality Impact Assessments on procurement must take this into serious consideration.

Coronavirus, next steps & communities

for its conclusions to be made available before the end of this parliamentary session.’Rethinking procurement,: There must be a significant shift to person-centred procurement models that put the needs of beneficiaries

Stage One Debate on the Scottish Budget 2020-21

too long about the need for a more common-sense approach to funding, that looks past traditional procurement-based

Funding Scotland