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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Positive partnerships

agreements, and other arrangements causing as many complaints in my conversations with members as procurement

SCVO briefing to Scottish Parliament - Fair Work Action Plan

However SCVO believes that the current procurement and commissioning processes need to be urgently reviewed,but are often prevented by short-term, project-based funding models and cumbersome, task-focused procurement,hope the First Minister will make these commitments a reality in short order and also ensure that procurement,Urgent reform of procurement and commissioning services is needed to ensure that people receive the best,We recommend that the current approach to commissioning and procuring care services be regarded as a

Living Wage campaigning in Scotland - where next? #LivingWageWeek

example, the campaign was successful in ensuring that the Scottish Government made amendments to the Procurement,require local authorities to include the real Living Wage as part of the evaluation process in procurement

SCVO responds to FM's speech on Fair Work

but are often prevented by short-term, project-based funding models and cumbersome, task-focused procurement,hope the First Minister will make these commitments a reality in short order and also ensure that procurement

Third Sector Forecast 2019

digital 4 Young people 3 Enterprise 3 premises 3 Mental health 2 Expansion 2 Diversification 2 Procurement,“[Opportunity] to procure larger, more up to date, premises in order to cater for our expanding membership

Opposition Debate on Procurement (S5M-10962)

Opposition Debate on Procurement (S5M-10962) SCVO briefing 13 March 2018 Summary • Procurement can be,Action on this will ensure that procurement is used to tackle poverty and inequality. • The use of the,consultation – procurement can be a force for good in our society.,is currently operating in Scotland, and to use procurement to build social justice.,Indeed, alongside funding, many members cite procurement and procurement processes as the biggest issue

Adult social care reform for Scotland – SCVO response to COSLA and Scottish Government

See below for our proposals for reforming adult social care Commissioning and procurement of health and,The current approach to procurement treats purchasing services for people in the same way as purchasing,We recommend that the current approach to commissioning and procuring care services be regarded as a

SCVO Briefing on Scottish Budget 2019/20

longer-term funding approaches for the sector, stand up for the third sector’s interests in public procurement

Funding Scotland