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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

What type of leadership do we now need in the Digital Inclusion sphere? 

SCVO’s track record in the digital inclusion sphere enabled us to lead a partnership with Scottish Government,broadly than what they can do with corporate social responsibility or environmental, social and governance

Consultation response to Labour National Policy Forum: Fair Work and the voluntary sector

Living Wage Foundation’s independently calculated real Living Wage in the first Budget of a Labour government,A Labour government should also use its public buying power and public contracts to tackle in work poverty,In SCVO’s research, many organisations reported receiving no increase in local or national government,Solutions Inflation-based uplifts to grant funding, contracts, and Scottish Government funding is one,However, SCVO believes that a Labour government should go further.

HMRC Charity Tax Compliance Consultation

In April, HMRC published a consultation on charity tax compliance to: “examine … charity taxation rules to help tackle non-compliance and protect the integrity of the charity sector without changing the overall purpose of the reliefs … [and] … ensure the rules continue to be fit...

Children, Young People, Families and Adult Learning Third Sector Fund - SCVO and TSI Scotland Network letter to the Minister

say that these recent developments have confirmed the administration of this fund by the Scottish Government,I will be making contact with your colleagues in other parts of Scottish Government to discuss this,,subsequent funding dependent on satisfactory progress towards their stated outcomes and Scottish Government,annual core funding awards of £14m followed in 2017/18 and 2018/19. 2018: In March 2018, Scottish Government,Programme for Government in 2021, a further announcement was made in December 2021 that the CYPFEI

The Pathways Fund aims to bring more people into the entrepreneurship pipeline and support them to start, grow and scale their businesses. It will support activity to reach people who might not otherwise consider entrepreneurship and business start-up, encouraging new entrepreneurial talent and support entrepreneurs seeking to grow and scale their businesses.The Fund seeks to widen participation in business from people in groups historically under-represented in entrepreneurship.Funding will be available to projects offering entrepreneurial support and advice to individuals and businesses. Projects might include (but are not limited to):- providing start-up incubation services- developing training resources on entrepreneurial skills- providing access to business networks, mentors and role models- developing skills including digital business skills- facilitating peer learning and networking- providing shared access to resources and equipment- providing advice and support on accessing funding and investmentAny funding allocated must be spent by end March 2025. Please visit the Scottish Government website for full guidelines.

Spring Statement lifeline for voluntary organisations, but will it be enough?

They can also help people in need that central and local Government cannot, so I will give his department,Will consequentials be passed on in full by Scottish Government?,million announced by the Chancellor is the most significant commitment to the sector since the government’s,At a Scottish Government level, there will be decisions to made about how to allocate the £320 million,SCVO has already called on the Scottish Government to follow the Chancellor in supporting the sector

Strength in numbers

manager, Steve Grozier: [1] The Tracker is funded by SCVO, The Scottish Government

The Forestry Grant Scheme offers financial support for the creation of new woodland and the sustainable management of existing woodland. Within the scheme's eight categories, there are a range of support options covering planting, woodland protection, harvesting and more.

Consumer Scotland: draft workplan 2022 to 2023 – SCVO response to the Scottish Government

Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s,further investigation by ourselves or others, often with clarification sought from the Scottish Government,which exists wholly or mainly to benefit society or a profession as well as the activities of any government,With the Scottish Government and Consumer Scotland’s commitment to the Net Zero agenda, such a focus

Funding Scotland