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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Single Outcome Agreements

Provides an overview of the 32 Single Outcome Agreements (SOAs) which were signed off by the Scottish Government,Summarises the relevant actions of the Scottish Government and the Scottish Parliament's Local Government


  • Membership number 795
  • Charity registered in Scotland SC019168

Talking Mats© and involvement in decision making for people with dementia and family carers

Recent guidance, from both the Department of Health and devolved governments, recommends that people,Government policy also advocates that users and carers should influence how government strategies and

Taking Ownership: Community empowerment through crowdfunded investment

– and its five elements (project, community, investment model, sustainability business plan and governance,model), before giving an overview of the crowdfunding process and the main financial and governance,raising funds through crowdfunding community investment, with guidance on choosing a financial and governance,Chapter 4 shares examples of the roles that institutions such as local government, city authorities and,Local government, city authorities and institutional funders have a crucial role to play in supporting

The purpose of Community Solutions is to improve and maintain health and wellbeing, strengthen social connection and support and reduce isolation and loneliness amongst adults, carers and children, young people and families in North Lanarkshire.Funding is available through Community Solutions, an innovative, community-led health and social care investment programme operating across North Lanarkshire. It operates as the local CVS’s arm of Health and Social Care North Lanarkshire, the statutory Scottish Government-appointed health and social care partnership for the local authority area.Proposals to the fund are eligible if they support one or more of the following outcomes:- Adults and carers feel more connected, safe, included and fulfilled- Improved health and wellbeing amongst adults and carers- Local citizens feel more informed and aware- Carers are more able to have a life outside of caring responsibilities- Family relationships are stregthened- Children, young people and families become more resilient and are able to achieve goals

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) is a UK-wide fund launched as a domestic replacement to the EU Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF). It is a core component of the UK Government’s Levelling Up agenda. Applications are invited for projects to deliver the following activities:- SME upskilling - funding for specialist providers to deliver tailored skills development programmes for SMEs in Dundee.- Support for SMEs to access overseas markets - funding for specialist providers to design and deliver support programmes for local businesses to get them export ready.- Dundee accelerator programme - funding for specialist providers to design and deliver accelerator programmes in Dundee to empower local businesses.

Maoin nan Ealan Gàidhlig is a scheme funded by Creative Scotland and administered on its behalf by Fèisean nan Gàidheal. It is open to organisations and individuals. Maoin nan Ealan Gàidhlig is designed to assist the delivery of Gaelic arts projects. In 2023-24, priority will be given to arts projects which:- Are delivered through the medium of Gaelic- Contribute to the use or learning of Gaelic- Enable individual artists, groups of artists, or arts organisations to create and/or present work - Involve international partnerships- Enable individual artists to address personal development needs- Develop skills within arts organisations or communities as a means to creating sustainability.

Better Breaks is a funding programme of the Short Breaks Fund, operated by Shared Care Scotland on behalf of the National Carers Organisations and the Scottish Government. The purpose of the Short Breaks Fund is to increase the range, availability, and choice of short breaks for unpaid carers and those they care for across Scotland.The Better Breaks programme funds a wide range of short breaks projects and services, including activities and breaks for:- Disabled children and young people without their carers- Families to enjoy together- Young/sibling carers with the person they care forProjects must be able to evidence how their activities will benefit both children and young people with disabilities and their carers, by providing a break from their normal routine. These breaks should increase opportunities for children and young people to engage in activities they enjoy, give carers a break from their caring role, and improve wellbeing for all involved.

The Whole Family Wellbeing Funding aims to build local capacity for transformational whole system change and to scale up and drive the delivery of holistic whole family support services. The fund is focused on supporting operational and revenue costs, volunteer and one-off fixed term staff costs, expenses, equipment, etc. to fulfil the activity.All proposals need to align with locally identified needs and all current related developments in service provision. They should take the pressure off services dealing with crisis through the delivery of early intervention and preventative approaches.

Funding Scotland