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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Policies towards poverty, inequality and exclusion since 1997

associates of the LSE's Centre for Analysis of Social Exclusion, surveys the impact of the Labour Government's,policy areas and draws on more than 500 separate sources from evaluations of policy initiatives, government

British Social Attitudes Survey: Welfare

But as the coalition government begins to apply extensive reforms to the benefit system, is that still,behaving in a far from uniform way, they are generally moving in line with the current direction of government,We see that the public is becoming less supportive of the government taking a leading role in providing

For the Public Good: How people want their public services to change

The views revealed in this research present some strong challenges to the government?s ?,Some of the main findings were: - Only a minority support the government?,agencies. 62 per cent of people thought that public services should be provided mainly or only be government

The Local Wellbeing Project

The Local Wellbeing Project is a three-year initiative to explore how local government in England and,the Improvement and Development Agency (IDeA), which supports improvement and innovation in local government,The project is supported by a number of key central government departments who will provide financial

The Funders' Almanac 2008

This report provides insight into the giving of grant-making trusts, companies and central government,beneficiaries and causes supported, as well as of the funding provided by a range of programmes from the UK Government

Evaluation of Community Jobs Scotland Programme

CJS is a Scottish Government funded job creation programme that performs a dual function as: - An employability,The programme is managed by a partnership of the Scottish Government, Scottish Council for Voluntary,To make recommendations on how delivery can be improved in view of the Scottish Government?

Scotland’s Care Crisis

It concludes that a perfect storm of existing staffing issues, an ageing population, Scottish Government,ensure that future changes are brought about in partnership with workers, employers and the Scottish Government

Delivering affordable housing in troubled times: Scotland national report

Falling levels of public funding arising from the global economic crisis has obliged the Scottish Government,allocated within Scotland; and c) evaluates the funding and delivery options proposed and debated by Government

Charities Aid Foundation Charity Landscape 2022

Government While charity leaders agree that over the next five years government will view charities as,service providers (69%), charities in Scotland and Northern Ireland are more likely to feel government

Funding Scotland