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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Membership directory Our latest members Leuchie House We talked to Colin Leslie, communications and marketing,manager at Leuchie House who told us all about their organisation.,“Leuchie House provides short respite breaks and 24-hour care to people affected by neurological conditions,workshops, befriending calls and a suite of digital self-help resources which have all been a major,By adding these digital services, we have become more accessible to people living in rural communities

Digital inclusion sessions

Digital inclusion is a team effort, so we've designed a series of workshops that we can deliver in-house,inclusion: a session for the wider workforce to introduce digital inclusion and build support for your,Digital inclusion strategy: a session for a smaller group to develop your approach to digital inclusion,Digital Champions: a session for a smaller group to plan how you'll recruit, train, and support a dedicated,team of Digital Champions.

The way forward

We need a response that provides the right support, at the right time and in the right place.,To help, our team can provide: Support to benchmark and grow the digital capabilities of your workforce,An assessment of your organisation’s digital inclusion maturity In-house sessions to help develop your,approach to embedding digital inclusion Support to develop partnerships and new place-based approaches,/digital @digiscot

Measuring impact

used for a variety of purposes: Reporting back to your senior manager and ensuring their continued support,of how many people they support, and extrapolate the results.,Digital Champions keep a tally or how many learners they’ve supported, and at the end of the week they,What further support would be helpful in your role as a Digital Champion?,webpage with a range of different media showcasing our learning and impact from a project in the social housing

Place-based digital inclusion

This guide is for anyone wishing to develop or expand local partnerships for digital inclusion.

Case study: Partnership working in Renfrewshire Council

Renfrewshire Council is a leader in establishing a place-based approach to digital inclusion in Scotland,Through the development of a cross-sector partnership for action, ‘Citizen Voice’, and supported by SCVO,, agencies including the Council, housing associations, health authorities and voluntary sector organisations,have been brought together to understand and explore issues relating to digital exclusion across the,Champion Co-ordinator to address the capacity issues faced by organisations in supporting people online

DigiNext event content and speaker videos

Have we adapted how we support staff and volunteers when working in new ways?,Clients include Turning Point Scotland, Scotland’s Housing Network, The National Lottery Community Fund,David provides strategic leadership to SCVO to support, promote and develop a confident, sustainable,He is responsible for work on policy, membership and sector support services.,Maddie has a strong background in supporting voluntary organisations in Scotland to embrace digital to

Place-based digital inclusion

What is ‘place-based’ digital inclusion?,Place-based digital inclusion is about building sustainable solutions to digital exclusion which take,up to provide holistic support for supporting people online, taking a place-based approach to digital,Our place-based journey started in 2019, as part of a large programme supporting 29 housing associations,This highlighted the power of digital being used to support the wider community.

Planning your digital inclusion support

inclusion support journey: What do your services users need? ,Who will be your Digital Motivator and Digital Champions? ,They could help provide extra or niche support. How will you use the Digital Skills Toolkit? ,Let your service users and wider networks know about your digital inclusion support.,.”Chris Morrison, Business Support Officer, Hebridean Housing Partnership

Foundation digital skills

You will need to evaluate their base level to understand what support they will need from you.,People who don’t have all 7 Foundation Digital Skills are classed as ‘digitally excluded’.,In Scotland, 15% of people don’t have Foundation Digital Skills (Lloyds Consumer Digital Index 2024).,We can also compare passwords to our house keys.,of fantastic resources to support your learner’s first digital steps.

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: