up to provide holistic support for supporting people online, taking a place-based approach to digital,Our place-based journey started in 2019, as part of a large programme supporting 29 housing associations,This highlighted the power of digital being used to support the wider community.,In 2021 we started a learning project as a test of concept.,v=dkigJYndUIk Get involved Our FREE 3-session programme on place-based digital inclusion is designed
The APEX NTSF Steps programme is for individuals aged 16 plus, assessed as being at Stages 1-2 of the,The APEX NTSF Steps programme is unique in that there is a delivery partnership between APEX and YPeople,YPeople is a specialist housing agency who bring a specialism and client reach that Apex Scotland does,process all Steps’ clients aim to gain the: SQA level 2 employability qualification or SCQF Level 2 Digital,Methods other than digital were devised which allowed engagement and delivery to continue.
We've come a long way since the 'digital duct tape' of 2020 and 2021, where everyone pivoted rapidly,John Fitzgerald John Fitzgerald leads SCVO’s digital evolution programme.,Clients include Turning Point Scotland, Scotland’s Housing Network, The National Lottery Community Fund,as the Connecting Scotland programme to tackle digital exclusion across the country.,Digital Scotland Programme and Get Connected projects.
, as well as supporting voluntary organisations to be more digitally engaged themselves.,SCVO acted as a gateway organisation, allowing voluntary organisations to receive and support the programme,annual survey Influential meetings with Deputy First Minister, Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice, Housing,In 2021/22, thousands of charities and social enterprises: Used our digital resources to progress on,to support the eHealth interventions. mPower was supported by the European Union’s INTERREG VA Programme
The trail brought colour, excitement and enthusiasm to North Berwick in the summer of 2021, and visitors,and Drugs Claire Wadsworth from Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs leads Routes, a programme,Digital Citizen- Leuchie House Leuchie House is Scotland's National Respite Centre for people living,Leuchie House recognises the importance of embracing technology and harnessing digital tools to improve,But in 2021, thanks to their "Save our Zoos" campaign, the Royal Zoological Society of Scotland’s family
All of the support offered through JFS will be delivered remotely to participants using digital communication,During the programme, every participant will be offered a minimum of 4 hours flexible 1-2-1 digital support,and the opportunity to join at least 1 digital group session.,Jobcentre Plus will identify potential participants for the programme and undertake an eligibility/suitability,to another.Transfer of Services: This is when part of an organisation, e.g. a service provided in-house
Supporting and resourcing the sector to understand and implement the new people processes the Bill will,including; childcare, social care, emergency support, support into employment, housing, towards digital,Similarly, it is unclear how the Bill will complement the existing programme of Fair Work initiatives,which voluntary sector employers in Scotland have been incorporating into their HR practices since 2021,economy, and support people and communities across Scotland.