Key actions Be a digital leader Build support for digital inclusion across the organisation Embed digital,Cross-organisation support It's crucial that there is support from senior management for digital inclusion,Involving people in the design of your approach can help embed digital inclusion more effectively and,Do they reflect the digital age we now live in?,But before we get there, it's important when you're designing your approach to digital inclusion that
Our approach Our sessions cover a wide range of areas, from introducing the fundamentals of digital inclusion,inclusion: a session for the wider workforce to introduce digital inclusion and build support for your,Digital inclusion strategy: a session for a smaller group to develop your approach to digital inclusion,start, we recommend that you explore our 'understanding' webpage and do some research on digital inclusion,Do our Digital Inclusion Maturity Check-up to identify where you already have strengths as an organisation
Approach: how organisations tackle digital exclusion.,The approach should seek to include support to upskill the workforce, as well as having mechanisms in,Any approach should locate digital as a choice, with other channels available.,Resource: the financial, physical, and human assets that are made available to support their approach,This can include in-kind or financial support, with a focus on supporting people to develop their digital
inclusion strategy can do this alone.,Digital inclusion alone cannot solve poverty, but it is a critical enabler in a wider systemic approach,We are therefore taking an approach that seeks to build the digital inclusion infrastructure needed to,inclusion, supported by the three broader enablers which need to be in place to support them.,the things you want to do; and Inclusive design – when you get online, spaces are well designed so that
solid understanding of how digital exclusion impacts on the people you work with; An approach to delivering,digital inclusion support that responds to the identified needs; The resource to help deliver your planned,Doing digital inclusion activities can be straightforward, but embedding digital inclusion in your core,The report you receive can be used to support any plans you have for digital inclusion, especially if,The Charter is there to promote, support and recognise great work in digital inclusion.
digital inclusion journey.,digital skills Create a business case for embedding digital inclusion What problem are we trying to,Here are some of our ideas on what you might want to understand before you start developing your approach,Having a digitally confident workforce is an essential part of digital inclusion.,digital inclusion for your organisation; The resources you will need to do this (see our section on
Doing digital inclusion requires some level of resource.,It can be a commitment to using existing resources, including how your workforce embed digital practices,Key actions Invest in digital upskilling Protect time for workforce digital upskilling Map existing internal,inclusion activity.,Check out our Digital Inclusion Masterclass video 'Doing digital inclusion with limited resources': https
We also know that digital inclusion is not something that once achieved lasts forever; any one of us,By doing more, digital inclusion can be the key to unlocking life changing opportunities.,To help, our team can provide: Support to benchmark and grow the digital capabilities of your workforce,An assessment of your organisation’s digital inclusion maturity In-house sessions to help develop your,approach to embedding digital inclusion Support to develop partnerships and new place-based approaches