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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Introducing data

Which support method has the highest success rate? How many people read our emails?,understanding whether helping 200 people a month is a busy or a quiet month, or if 30% of young people supported,And you can use data to show funders and other supporters that your work is making a difference.,Starting with a small, powerful insight will also help your team see the power of data to support decisions,that DataKind UK could help your organisation with its data question(s), take a look at the free support

Two examples of how organisations used data to improve their effectiveness

We know that sometimes understanding the use of data can be hard when it's abstract. So in this section we're going to give you a couple of examples of good use of data in practice, to help inspire some ideas of what you might do in your own organisation.

Data ethics, risk, and privacy

the other hand, if you are trying to spot or interpret a trend, make sure you have enough data to support,The risk of misinterpreting data: Make sure you don’t use data to support misleading or dubious claims,Here are a few key steps to take: Educate and support team members who are working with data on how to

Don’t let your data gather dust

Look at data on a regular basis In many voluntary sector organisations, people take a ‘file or forget’ approach to data. They spend time gathering and analysing data for a funder report or a board update, then the data is filed and forgotten. This is a waste of effort, and it...

DigiNext event content and speaker videos

Have we adapted how we support staff and volunteers when working in new ways?,John Fitzgerald John Fitzgerald leads SCVO’s digital evolution programme.,He is responsible for work on policy, membership and sector support services.,evolution.,Maddie has a strong background in supporting voluntary organisations in Scotland to embrace digital to

New service delivery models

This page gives an overview of some key principles behind digital service delivery.,, see our How To Guide: Digital Services SCVO in collaboration with Third Sector Lab are also supporting,Remember the need to protect privacy and support good safeguarding practice where users are sharing personal,Association might need to give its tenants free WiFi, or a youth organisation might want to offer supported, can use digital tools to help the people they work with.

Introducing our new digital strategy playbook

Introducing our new digital strategy playbook, designed to help you lead your team in effective conversations,about digital strategy.

Building Caddy – an AI support tool for adviser teams

Putting People and Values at the Heart of AI, Stuart Pearson shared an overview of the Caddy adviser support,It's built to support advisers, not replace them.,Overview of Caddy Adviser support process Here are audience questions from the session, with responses,As it was built with a local charity, scaled with the national Citizens Advice and supported by the Cabinet,This extended timeframe is primarily attributed to the project's volunteer-driven nature, supported by

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: