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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO digital delivery privacy notice

We will use this data to offer your organisation support to develop in the areas of Digital Participation,One to one support (phone calls and face to face meetings) to help your organisation become more digitally,Leadership development programme with monthly meetings and interactive support from SCVO Digital team,For as long as you are receiving digital support from SCVO we may send you occasional ‘special’ digital,We will delete your information five years after we have stopped delivering digital support to your organisation

Essential digital skills

The Essential Digital Skills Framework, launched in May 2018 after extensive consultation, and now hosted,, to support individuals, groups and organisations to measure their digital skills.,We encourage you to use it, to modify it and come back to use with your feedback and suggestions.,required by those not currently using digital technology or using it in limited ways.,For more information about each foundation and digital skill, visit our Digital Participation page.

Evaluating success

to evaluate if your online service delivery is working for them, especially after any updates in the digital,prepared to stop if it isn’t working Hear what your users and team are saying One big advantage of a digital,You can collect this through conversation, surveys, user testing and ad hoc feedback.,This lets your team and users try out a new piece of tech or approach and give honest feedback about,If you are hearing more negative comments, or seeing limited usage you might need to offering more support

Evaluating success

Understanding the impact and progress of your digital inclusion support is important.,Get them to complete the digital skills checklist at the start and after a period of support.,Digital Champion interactions Capture the type and frequency of support Digital Champions give and who,Follow up with service users you support to find out what difference it's made to their lives.,“Feedback from participants suggested that the drop-ins served a wider purpose, beyond improving digital

What SCVO has done

Information, resources and support We also provided practical information, resources and support.,capacity building in the voluntary sector with a particular focus on digital services, digital inclusion,young people, staff and employers Support services And we responded quickly to flex and adapt our support,tenants from our shared office space and managed IT client to work remotely using digital tools to do,Please contact us at if you have any feedback on our work or ideas about what we

New service delivery models

, see our How To Guide: Digital Services SCVO in collaboration with Third Sector Lab are also supporting,Remember the need to protect privacy and support good safeguarding practice where users are sharing personal,Housing Association might need to give its tenants free WiFi, or a youth organisation might want to offer supported,Gathering user insight and feedback Embedding a short, easy survey in your outbound communication, for,Capturing user insight and feedback at key moments during their journey with you is much more meaningful

Supporting Digital Champions

Now that you’ve recruited your Digital Champions it’s time to think about how you provide ongoing support,By creating opportunities for Digital Champions to provide feedback we can identify future training needs,Peer support Create a network for your Digital Champions to share best practice and celebrate their wins,Usually, Digital Champions can advance through the different tiers based on how many people they support,Impact Stories Being able to quantify how many people have been supported by your Digital Champions is

Digital Senior Leaders Programme

strategic judgements about which technology will be most effective and learn quickly through testing and feedback,This peer-to-peer support will help you grow on your journey as a digital leader.,He's supported countless organisations with digital strategy and has developed a number of initiatives,Culture: Build a culture of inclusion, innovation, and collaboration that will support your organisation's,The vision for the Scottish Approach to Service Design is that the people of Scotland are supported and

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

funding hub have been vital to our members and the wider voluntary sector, attracting positive feedback,funding hub have been vital to our members and the wider voluntary sector, attracting positive feedback,support, development of digital platforms and delivery of a shared funding platformtransforming the,offering ‘quick fix’ emergency digital support service to 60 organisations.,to support learning and developing long term digital skills.

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

These findings continue to be pivotal in shaping SCVO's policy, digital, communications and support activities,This emergency work took place alongside our continued support of digitally excluded households across,Had the chance to learn directly from digital experts 112 Digital checkups 35 Topical digital training,webpage views 60 organisations received Cyber Readiness Check support calls Digital inclusion SCVO’s,We received positive feedback about SCVO's working culture, with staff feeling supported by their line

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: