Key actions Be a digital leader Build support for digital inclusion across the organisation Embed digital,Cross-organisation support It's crucial that there is support from senior management for digital inclusion,We've seen success where organisations set up a short-life-working-group to help guide this process.,Involving people in the design of your approach can help embed digital inclusion more effectively and,But before we get there, it's important when you're designing your approach to digital inclusion that
What is ‘place-based’ digital inclusion?,up to provide holistic support for supporting people online, taking a place-based approach to digital,inclusion supports a range of community-wide benefits for citizens.,our interim learning report ‘Taking a Place-based Approach to Digital Inclusion: The Journey so Far’,Our digital inclusion team will guide participants through practical exercises, offering hands-on experience
Our approach Our sessions cover a wide range of areas, from introducing the fundamentals of digital inclusion,inclusion: a session for the wider workforce to introduce digital inclusion and build support for your,Digital inclusion strategy: a session for a smaller group to develop your approach to digital inclusion,Digital Champions: a session for a smaller group to plan how you'll recruit, train, and support a dedicated,This will help guide your conversations with our team.
Doing digital inclusion requires some level of resource.,It can be a commitment to using existing resources, including how your workforce embed digital practices,Key actions Invest in digital upskilling Protect time for workforce digital upskilling Map existing internal,inclusion activity.,Check out our Digital Inclusion Masterclass video 'Doing digital inclusion with limited resources': https
solid understanding of how digital exclusion impacts on the people you work with; An approach to delivering,digital inclusion support that responds to the identified needs; The resource to help deliver your planned,The report you receive can be used to support any plans you have for digital inclusion, especially if,You can also use this as a guide for signing Scotland's Digital Inclusion Charter.,The Charter is there to promote, support and recognise great work in digital inclusion.
Read more in our in-depth guide.,Read more in our in-depth guide.,John leads on SCVO’s digital checkup service and in-depth guides on topics such as AI.,As a seasoned strategist and coach, Brani guides nonprofits through the complexities of digital change,As Head of Digital at Simon Community Scotland he leads on digital inclusion through the national Get
I’ve sometimes found working in digital inclusion to be frustrating.,worked to understand the best way to support organisations to commit to supporting digital inclusion,Our five new pledges are designed to support, guide and recognise the work that organisations do in Scotland,– from developing their understanding of digital exclusion, to delivering support to those that need,Approach: We commit to delivering on digital inclusion across our organisation, based on our understanding