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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Place-based digital inclusion

up to provide holistic support for supporting people online, taking a place-based approach to digital,inclusion supports a range of community-wide benefits for citizens.,Dundee, North Ayrshire, and Glasgow to co-create tailored solutions that address their unique digital,co-produce contextual solutions that resonate with each community's needs, communication preferences, and cultural,Our digital inclusion team will guide participants through practical exercises, offering hands-on experience

Meet the trainers

Chaka Bachmann Chaka is a seasoned equity and inclusion consultant and social justice researcher with,She has delivered comprehensive in-depth inclusive cultural change programmes to a range of clients,,Philippa's current courses: Guide to good governance: running effective board meetings, Guide to good,governance: defining strategy, culture and values and Guide to good governance: board and staff relationships,Working in digital for well over a decade, Ross has trained thousands of charity staff to use digital

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

trove of resources and guides, helping to foster a culture of HR and Fair Work best practice for our,webpage views 60 organisations received Cyber Readiness Check support calls Digital inclusion SCVO’s,digital inclusion team has continued its work to build capacity for partnership working in the digital,the opportunity to get together to explore Scotland's digital landscape and the brilliant digital inclusion,We received positive feedback about SCVO's working culture, with staff feeling supported by their line

New website launched to support volunteering campaign

Make Your Mark is part of Scotland’s strategy for the built environment.

Review of National Outcomes 2023 - SCVO response to call for evidence

2007, encouraging public bodies and voluntary organisations to use the framework to guide decisions,,These standards should be incorporated into the guidance and resources created to support the use of,2007, advocating for the NPF to guide the decisions and actions of public bodies and other organisations,Statistics Centre of Excellence (ESCoE), has been commissioned by the Department for Department for Digital,These standards should be incorporated into the guidance and resources created to support the use of

SCVO consultation response to the Scottish Government's Resource Spending Review

Question 1: the priorities to guide the spending review process Meeting child poverty targets, addressing,Digital inclusion The voluntary sector is working tirelessly to tackle digital exclusion to help us balance,As an example, SCVO has been working on digital inclusion and capacity building for many years, working,Culture and leisure Voluntary organisations run most of our theatres, museums, galleries, and sports,clubs, playing a crucial role in Scotland's cultural heritage and providing Scots with a sense of belonging

SCVO submission to the Law Family Commission on Civil Society

Although this might create a short-term saving for a public body, this approach is detrimental to the,Organisations add value not simply by creating jobs with fair pay and good conditions, or by supporting,The sector also provides digital devices and support to develop digital skills for digitally excluded,Scotland's Advisory Group on Economic Recovery highlighted the importance of culture as an intrinsic,There are also over 250,000 trustees across Scotland who help manage, shape and guide voluntary sector

SCVO response to the Advisory Group on Economic Recovery

We will need youth work, arts and culture, sport, and nature; we will need community cafes, transport,Whether concerning food distribution, digital inclusion or many other things, the response to the pandemic,The pandemic has shone a light on the disadvantage faced by the least digitally engaged.,We can and must build on this when creating a new operating environment for voluntary organisations in,There are also over 250,000 trustees across Scotland who help manage, shape, and guide voluntary sector

Cyber Scotland Week

Scotland has an ambition to be a vibrant, inclusive, open and outward-looking digital nation.,the way in which we deliver inclusive economic growth, reform our public services and prepare our children,To help them operate safely and confidently in the digital world, we need to create the conditions and,culture that help to instil cyber resilient knowledge, attitudes and behaviours across the age spectrum,check-upNational Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) Small Charity Guide Or please get in touch with our Cyber

Protecting Vulnerable Groups Scotland

In particular, SCVO has been working with OSCR this year to explore improvements to the overall culture,health and employability Our key principles Our approach to the review of the disclosure schemes is guided,Digital must not exacerbate this.,A 'public interest' test for volunteers risks creating a value judgement on deserving and undeserving,As the only inclusive representative umbrella organisation for the sector SCVO: has the largest Scotland-wide

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: