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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Digital Motivators

Once you've been through this guide you may also find it helpful to explore our companion guides, Digital,inclusion: How to and Digital Champions: How to.

Recruiting Digital Champions

If Digital Motivators are changemakers, then Digital Champions are the agents of change.,A good listener Able to explain things in simple terms Understanding of people’s interests and motivations,Is it to support the digital skills of your workforce?,There are different types of Digital Champions (referenced in our Digital Champion Guide), and you should,and the current level of digital skills of the people you intend to support (intensity of support).


Key actions Be a digital leader Build support for digital inclusion across the organisation Embed digital,We sometimes refer to these leaders as 'Digital Motivators'.,Cross-organisation support It's crucial that there is support from senior management for digital inclusion,As a Digital Motivator, you'll need to think about how you bring people along with you.,We've seen success where organisations set up a short-life-working-group to help guide this process.


Doing digital inclusion requires some level of resource.,It can be a commitment to using existing resources, including how your workforce embed digital practices,Key actions Invest in digital upskilling Protect time for workforce digital upskilling Map existing internal,existing external resources In this section we share the different ways an organisation can resource digital,Check out our Digital Inclusion Masterclass video 'Doing digital inclusion with limited resources': https

Resource and sustainability

v=8cs3rnb_3tw Sustainability The idea of sustainability in digital inclusion is often misunderstood.,Digital inclusion cannot be sustained without ongoing resource, whether this is the purchase of devices,, provision of connectivity or even the availability of people to support digital skills.,When we refer to sustainability in digital inclusion we are really talking about making our efforts '

Supporting Digital Champions

Now that you’ve recruited your Digital Champions it’s time to think about how you provide ongoing support,Peer support Create a network for your Digital Champions to share best practice and celebrate their wins,As a Digital Motivator you have a role to play in nurturing this space and making sure that you contribute,Unite Technology Guides You can then begin to curate your own learning pathways on different topics.,them motivated: 1.

Village halls as digital champions

about how you could support people with their device and connectivity needs: The skills to use a device,That’s the same for digital skills: without the Essential Digital Skills and the motivation to use the,Support local volunteers to become digital champions.,The motivation to get online is all about making the internet appealing.,for supporting a learner.

Essential digital skills

Keeping in touch with friends, family and loved ones is a very popular motivator for getting a device,(Microsoft) Microsoft Outlook Guide (Microsoft) Essential Digital Skill: Handling Information and Content,Champion Guide.,Before you leave, you can check out the last part of the Digital Motivator Guide: measuring impact or,use the navigation panel to revisit any content from either guide.

Engaging with a new learner

Embedding digital inclusion support into your service can help.,This tells us that motivation is a key challenge for a Digital Champion.,As a Digital Champion, your goal is to keep your learner motivated and excited about being online.,Build digital skills support into everyday interactions You can help people to build digital skills with,we’re focusing on motivation to developing digital skills.

Understanding digital inclusion

digital inclusion journey.,Digital exclusion in Scotland Take some time to research digital exclusion.,Remember that digital exclusion is the absence of motivation to be online, a device, connectivity, or,this to guide some user research.,Having a digitally confident workforce is an essential part of digital inclusion.

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: