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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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HR service

, resources and information Free SCVO Member Free templates, resources and information Access to all,Sign in SCVO Member with HR Service Subscription Some free templates, resources and information Access,to all exclusive HR guides, resources and templates Bespoke, 1-to-1 support with an HR expert £500 (,Sign in HR Service Subscription without SCVO membership Some free templates, resources and information,Access to all exclusive HR guides, resources and templates Bespoke, 1-to-1 support with an HR expert


Exclusive membership benefits and support networks A strong community of voluntary organisations of all,resources, training and opportunities available to members, together with the wealth of news and information,We joined SCVO to be part of a nationally recognised organisation, whose mission is to support, promote,and develop a confident, sustainable voluntary sector attracted Cancer Support Scotland to join.,We’d love fellow SCVO members and members of the public to join in some of our events to help support

Planning for induction

and that the organisation is able to effectively induct new employees within the organisation.,We’ve created some templates exclusively for our members.,Find them here: Induction templates, models and checklists Create induction pack An induction pack should,put together ready for the new employee’s first day and should contain essential documents and information,place and for HR to provide an introduction to HR policies and procedures.

You're a charity! What next?

You’re joining a vibrant sector, doing important work.,At SCVO, we’re here to support you, promote the contribution your organisation makes and work towards,Our information on running your organisation Now that you’re up and running as a charity, we can offer,lots of support on how you can run your organisation.,information and resources Day-to-day running of your organisation There's lots to think about to make

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

and support from our information and customer services teams During another hugely challenging year,Our SCVO information services team supported voluntary sector organisations while they continued to adapt,Our information and customer services teams answered over 1,000 complex enquiries, helping organisations,HR We supported approximately 500 voluntary sector organisations with their HR issues throughout 2021,guides and templates. 550 complex questions answered 48 guides and templates created Coronavirus info

DigiNext event content and speaker videos

Join our fireside chat as we uncover the bold steps one trailblazing organisation has taken to become,Her role involves supporting all shapes and sizes of organisations in the voluntary sector, with setting,Her focus is on understanding user needs and journeys, and empowering people with the information they,He has supported a range of organisations, including several charitable organisations, to establish cyber,Maddie has a strong background in supporting voluntary organisations in Scotland to embrace digital to

HR in the hour of need

SCVO launches new HR subscription service