We know how important it is to make sure your organisation is running well.,That's why we're providing you with some guidance and templates, so that you can get a head-start on,Our templates and guides are there to give you a starting point - you'll need to adapt them to suit your,own organisation and, if necessary, get some advice to make sure they meet all your legal and regulatory,keeping Risk management Scheme of delegation Trustee expenses
Current government guidelines state that anyone who works from home, should.,Supporting Occupational Medicine have multiple resources available, including a person-based risk assessment,The CIPD have also developed a Coronavirus Risk Assessment template for workplace safety.,It’s important to retain these conversations for your records, and CIPD have created a template document,your organisation.
Download, print and keep our new easy-to-use incident response template to help smaller organisations,SCVO members can set up a free Coalition Control​ account that gives access to a cyber risk management,to help make your organisation less vulnerable, starting with passwords.,Digital inclusion for information on how your organisation can embed this into your core work, incl.,Risk management for information on the key types of risk that can affect your organisation and the importance
and solutions – government alone is running out of these.’,voluntary organisations acknowledge the increased availability of guidance and support to access procurement,They expressed a desire for more guidance from the public sector, individualised 1-1 support, and case,Inconsistent government support poses risks for the voluntary sector's sustainability and effectiveness,SCVO’s engagement with voluntary organisations supports the finding of the Scottish Government’s report
The Scottish Governance Code’s principle that ‘a well-run board is clear about the purpose and values,Control The Scottish Governance Code’s principle of control states that “a well-run board will develop,internal and external operating environments to create effective strategies and systems for risk management,Effectiveness Managing risk and regular reviews of their performance and skills.,You can also book now to attend one of the free 'Safeguarding - managing risk and maintaining confidence