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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Information for new trustees

Know your organisation’s purpose It’s vital as a trustee that you know about what your organisation was,You’re all collectively responsible and accountable for the overall governance of your organisation.,Learn about the finances Find out about the current financial situation of your organisation, including,are relevant in all your activities and decisions, especially if your organisation is a charity or a,There may also be other regulators that you need to report to, and you should ensure you’re up to date

Roles & responsibilities

Members of governing bodies go by a variety of names – ‘Trustees’, ‘Management or Executive Committee


and led purpose-led businesses and not-for-profit organisations since leaving the UK Civil Service in,As well as facilitating training on management & leadership and project management, Lynn run’s Making,managers, Adapt and develop your management skills: managing people in the modern and Building personal,Her training aims to remove the fear factor from finances and give non-financial people the skills and,: budgeting and sound financial management and All things financial: annual accounting and external reporting

Response to Finance and Public Administration pre-budget scrutiny: The sustainability of Scotland's finances

finances and increased demand for the support and services of many organisations.,the resilience of voluntary organisations to the limit, 67% of those surveyed reported financial challenges,These plans will ensure accountability and help to manage expectations.,Establish transparent delivery goals, timelines, and accountability mechanisms – such as reporting and,These plans will ensure accountability and help to manage expectations.

Post-legislative scrutiny: Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014

SCVO’s own analysis of charity accounts shows that income from public sector contracts and other non-grant,A large majority (71%) of organisations report facing financial challenges, up from 67% in December 2022,costs such as management, development, IT, and financial services, all of which are necessary for fulfilling,SCVO’s engagement with voluntary organisations supports the finding of the Scottish Government’s report,However, three-quarters of charities are run entirely by volunteers and have an annual turnover of less

How to beat the charity funding squeeze

Susan Smith spoke to charities and finance experts to find out the best ways for Scottish organisations

Transparency is key to public trust in charities

​As OSCR celebrates its 10th year, chief executive David Robb outlines how the regulator is playing its part to help the sector

Holyrood 2021: what the voluntary sector wants

TFN's guide to charity election manifestos

March – time to ensure you’re in financial control!

of your organisation’s finances.,There’s some good free resources available such as Mango’s Guide to Financial Management and the Charity,Finance Group’s Essential Charity Finance for Trustees which has a great checklist for trustees to support,, and also take a look to see if there are any accountancy firms running free events in your area.,Do all trustees understand our accounts and our legal responsibilities to report on the financial position

SCVO submission on the SNIB to the Economy Energy and Fair Work Committee

The Bill says, ‘The Bank must, at the end of each financial year, report to the Scottish Ministers on,’, the yearly report to Scottish Ministers will focus only on the financial performance of investments,While this accountability is important, focusing on financial performance alone is likely to put pressure,It should also finance projects where employers support those living in deprived areas and offer training,and accountable - with an elected board and policy committee from the sector, we are managed by the