It’s important that everyone in your community can access your services safely, without risk of abuse,You should also consider having a safeguarding policy and process.,they feel unsafe or witness anything they’re not comfortable with How you will respond to any safeguarding,concern How you will regularly review any safeguarding concerns, to notice any themes and proactively,This could be included in your hiring agreement (see later sub-section).
your organisation, responding to the real life issues that your board, staff and volunteers could encounter,Identify the safeguarding risks in your work Your safeguarding activity needs to be suitable for your,Adopt the right policies and procedures Safeguarding policies outline what your organisation will do,When developing your safeguarding policies and procedures, you should consider your organisation’s activities,Consulting your team or those benefiting from your organisation when developing your policies and procedures
While changes to Scottish Charity Law mean the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) is now required to publish,At the end of last year, the Chief Executive Officers of the three UK Charity Regulators also published,the process for setting up a charity bank account; recognise that it is in all our interests to safeguard,Reflecting on the work done so far, UK Finance’s web-based tools will be the most comprehensive guidance,, putting these organisations, the communities they support, and the sector’s reputation, at risk.
Governance Support Package and a webinar to look at ‘How Good is Your Organisation’s Governance’?’,The Governance Support Package offers updated guidance on choosing an
organisational structure, trustees,is well run,
transparent and accountable.,Risk and Safeguarding Trustees of international development
organisations also need to ensure they have,Hindsight and charity
regulator’s investigations exposed the failure of trustees in these