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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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technology, activities, entertainment, and opportunities to relax for our guests in a beautiful country setting,Cancer Support Scotland We talked to Stephanie Quigley, service manager with Cancer Support Scotland,“Cancer Support Scotland is a charity that has been supporting the wellbeing of people affected by cancer,therapy volunteer team lead by our national award-winning therapist have created a bespoke treatment plan,takes additional funding and financial support.

Support & learning

Setting up a charity What to consider when setting up a new voluntary organisation, including legal structures,finance and managing people Village & community halls handbook Everything you need to know about setting,to planning for Scottish voluntary organisations 2025 Self-study eLearning Learn at your own pace, and,up or running a voluntary sector organisation Find out more Upcoming events Infrastructure support As,reporting platform known as Milo that is used by Scotland’s Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) Networks Make

Digital inclusion sessions

Digital Champions: a session for a smaller group to plan how you'll recruit, train, and support a dedicated,Workforce digital skills: a session for a smaller group to plan a digital skills audit and address gaps,Top Tips These are our top tips to help you make the most of our Digital Inclusion Sessions: Before you,Consider setting up a small group to help design and lead your digital inclusion work.,For more information or to set up an initial meeting, please contact: Darran Gillan Digital Inclusion

Data ethics, risk, and privacy

The risk of misinterpreting data: Make sure you don’t use data to support misleading or dubious claims,Make a list of users and their permissions, and make sure this is kept up to date.,Set up multi-factor authentication and password recovery processes.,Make a response plan so you’re ready to act quickly.,Make a response plan so it’s easy to provide this information when asked.

Host an event

offering a mix of topics and formats that will give people working in a wide range of different settings,, and supporting with compliance with key legislation.,This year we're particularly keen to see collaborative event ideas, so consider if you could team up,capacities and setup options Theatre-style rooms for over 100 delegates Round table-style rooms for up,Online sessions We plan to record a number of sessions at the Gathering and make them available online

Policies, procedures and terms & conditions

It's not possible to add on the day of the event (the venue needs to plan all that out in advance) and,programme and to support delegates to attend as many different events as possible to make the most out,Exhibition set-up You will be able to set up your exhibition space on Monday 3rd February.,We'll send you more details about the set-up when we send you your exhibition manual in the autumn.,Additional support Some people need additional communication support to participate fully in events.

You're a charity! What next?

At SCVO, we’re here to support you, promote the contribution your organisation makes and work towards,lots of support on how you can run your organisation.,We keep it up-to-date to make it as easy as possible for you to find great opportunities.,functionality: Funding Scotland Good governance Your management board, your trustees, have a vital role in setting,Find out more about: Legislation & regulation that may affect youBusiness planning and development, and

Before you start

There are lots of reasons why you might think about setting up a charity.,Or you might have an idea about a way that you can help, and feel that setting up a charity is the best,Our information will talk you through the steps you need to take to set up a charity.,The people you support are often called your beneficiaries. What will your charity do?,It’s worth checking that this doesn’t alter or affect your plans and goals: You can’t benefit only individuals

Deciding to close an organisation

Find out what to think about if you’re considering closing or winding up an organisation, and in what,these reasons are negative, but it can be an emotional time and there can be lots to think about to make,It’s important to plan ahead if you’re thinking about closing your organisation.,up or the activities you carry out transferring your activities to another organisation you’ve done,the job you set out to do and your work is complete.

The Economy

A combination of factors look set to make 2025/26 another difficult year for voluntary sector finances,service or organisational closures are becoming more common. Prompts for planning,Sources of support For support with financial management, visit the SCVO web pages on Finance and Business,organisations to anticipate and design closures, mergers and service endings If you are considering winding up,guide to closing down a charity contains useful advice and guidance SCVO members may be entitled to up