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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Event booking

procedures, terms & conditions How to book Before booking, please read the course content to ensure it meets,your training needs, you meet any entry requirements and you will be comfortable participating fully,by someone other than the named learner, it is the employer’s responsibility to ensure the course meets,You can read SCVO’s Training and Events privacy notice here.,Get in touch Events and training team, or 0131 474 8005 SCVO general enquiries, 0800

Meet the trainers

trainer training and managing projects.,Anne's current courses: Train the trainer: a training toolkit and Meeting today’s volunteering challenges,Philippa's current courses: Guide to good governance: running effective board meetings, Guide to good,volunteered for 30 years with a voluntary first aid organisation, attending and managing medical cover for events,ranging from local fairs and fetes to large scale events, such as the Scottish International Air Show

Five things I learnt from delivering SCVO’s new governance training 

governance from many places, but we felt there was a gap in helping organisations improve their board meetings,There is a real need for hands-on, practical training.,Governance training can be fun!,The series will cover: Running effective board meetings Defining strategy, culture and values Building,Philippa Bonella, SCVO governance trainer

SCVO digital delivery privacy notice

One to one support (phone calls and face to face meetings) to help your organisation become more digitally,Leadership development programme with monthly meetings and interactive support from SCVO Digital team,Regular networking events.,digital support from SCVO we may send you occasional ‘special’ digital bulletins with details of events,required to deliver the services outlined above - these are currently Mhor Collective (Digital Champion Trainers

SCVO Digital Senior Leaders programme

We all became much more digital during the pandemic – switching to remote delivery of services, meeting,pressures too Hybrid working and burnout, recruitment challenges “It was a wonderful opportunity to meet,About the programme Meet your course leaders Maddie Stark Maddie is a highly experienced development,worker and trainer with particular skills around leadership, digital, culture and organisational change,Understand your users, challenge assumptions, and redefine problems to create innovative solutions that meet

Power of connection

Karin McKenny reflects on the challenges the events sector has faced in the last year

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

SCVO is continually evolving what we do to meet emerging needs, as well as delivering the tried and tested,or via our pro-bono partners to develop and build their capacity. 684 new members 11 new supporters Meet,provided invaluable advice on topics from governance to setting up and running an organisation to meet,Our affordable, flexible and sector focussed training programme means that our learners had access to,solutions Increased stakeholder buy-in and digital inclusion delivery by members Increased online meeting

Families Outside delivers training package with session at Glasgow prison 

One of the aims was to understand the impact imprisonment has on the whole family in order to reduce

Cancer survivor Heather calls on you to join her in a polar adventure

20s when she was diagnosed with cancer, now Heather Duff is calling on Scots to run with her to beat the

ESES Communities celebrates its first anniversary

Sponsored content: celebrating the success of a website that delivers support for charities and communities