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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Welfare Funds (Scotland) Act Regulations and Guidance consultation

Indeed the Fund statistics for 2013/14 show that it is increasingly being used by families to help them,Application form Whatever format is chosen for the application, simplicity and accessibility are paramount,We want to raise a specific concern with Part 2 of the form, which states that applicants must be on,As we pointed out in previous consultation responses, this may actually cost more in the long run if,Other third sector concerns raised are often long standing issues with which the Scottish Government

Work, wages and wellbeing in the Scottish labour market

As we stated in our previously published paper ‘An Economy for All’[i], we suggest four guiding principles,a promotion of economic equality we can create a more sustainable and prosperous economy[xi] [xii]. 3.,Government makes moves to encourage the establishment of greater numbers of co-operatives or other forms,and those of their family, rather than being beholden to either employers or means testing of the state,References [i] [ii] http

An Economy for All report #economyforall

our minds when we seek to create jobs, and we should avoid creating low-paid and/or insecure work. 3.,3.,growth would have on unemployment, nef suggests that we could all move to working fewer hours (as long,, Joseph Rowntree Foundation (2013).,[xxxvi] See, for example, Scotland’s Economic Future Post-2014 Submission to the Scottish Government

The war on the Commonweal: taking a stand in 2014

Ray Perman who wrote the story of “How HBOS wrecked the best bank in Scotland” [3]describes how the old,“Long lines of indebtedness, constructed by the City, which are completely beyond technical regulation,Nye Bevan, the Welsh post-war Minister, described the NHS “an act of collective goodwill” - a phrase,The forming of opinions is as important as expressing them through debate in public settings.,finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/8849116/How-the-Big-Bang-created-new-life-in-the-Square-Mile.html [3]