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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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HR service

Join our community Already a member or HR Service subscriber?,Subscribe to HR Service Want to become a member?,Sign in HR Service Subscription without SCVO membership Some free templates, resources and information,Sign in About the service The SCVO HR Service supports you with your HR needs.,Please get in touch if you would like to talk about joining our HR Service and the benefits it will bring

Code of conduct for SCVO supply partners

SCVO supply partners must demonstrate the following: Professional approach Be legal, honest, open, and,Telephone Preference Service) and MPS (Mailing Preference Service) to ensure anyone signed up to these,Customer service SCVO supply partners will be committed to providing a high-quality service to our members,They will take time to understand the needs of SCVO members and treat them in an honest, fair and transparent,Suppliers will strive to deliver service levels that offer good value and satisfy our members needs and

AGM 2024

AGM 2024 On this page you'll find information for members about SCVO's Annual General Meeting (AGM).,Every year, we invite all SCVO members to attend the AGM and, via your organisation's membership contact,have managed strategic development, fundraising initiatives, and collaboration with healthcare professionals,Got questions about our AGM? We'd love to answer your questions about our AGM.,Email our membership team Not yet a member of SCVO?


Professional networks.,Helping you make the most of professional connections and peer support.,SCVO’s professional networks offer great...

Impact Report 2023/24

by our information services team 40 tax and VAT referrals by our information services team 3,500 members,821 new members 3 supporters Meet our membership community Find out more about our latest members Explore,team continued to provide the sector with a high-quality, professional and friendly payroll service.,with our services. 2k+ Informative members' renewal emails In personalised membership renewal emails,, we shared information with members about how they'd used My SCVO accounts to access their membership

SCVO Annual Review 2020-21

There's more information about the work of our support services in the ‘Support Services’ section on,Development is also being completed on SCOPE – Skills recognition, Capacity building and Professional,v=WKfx6pO215w Services More detail about the various services SCVO has provided over the past year Over,Our members voted in support of a new membership fee structure in early 2021 and we created a new membership,We've welcomed a large number of new members, and our revised membership offer will continue to develop

Data protection

If you hold and process information about your clients, employees or suppliers, you are legally obliged

SCVO Impact Report 2021/22

and our membership has continued to grow.,We were so pleased to offer a brand new, refreshed membership benefits package welcoming more new members,and supporters than ever before into our community. 655 new members 32 new supporters Meet our membership,community Find out more about our latest members Explore our full membership directory Supporting our,Payroll SCVO’s payroll service team provided much-needed responsive and professional support to help

Board of trustees

Most of our board members are elected from our membership. 5 trustees - including our Convener - have,On this page, you'll find more information about our board members.,Join our board We're inviting nominations from our membership community so we can hold a vote at our,services firms including KPMG and PWC, in both an executive and non-executive capacity.,Passionate about the potential of SCVO and our members, Kim is committed to playing her part in positioning

SCVO Partner - ScotRail Station Spaces

We're happy to be partnering with ScotRail to help SCVO members find the right space for you in the heart,SCVO can point you to legal advice from our professional partners.,If you're an SCVO member organisation with income less than £500,000 per year, you might be able to access,Learn more If you'd like to learn more about ScotRail's Station Spaces and the spaces that they have,As always contact your SCVO membership team if you've any questions.