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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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How to be digital in community learning and development

Liz Green discusses new guidance to help community and learning development organisations make good and,safe use of digital technology

Administration Committee: Scotland's public finances in 2023-24 - the impact of the cost of living and

Our submission draws on evidence from: SCVO support services (funding, digital, membership support, and,In the Spending Review Framework, the Scottish Government recognised that rising inflation and the resulting,The people most likely to be supported by public services are also those most likely to be digitally,SCVO’s thought-leadership blog series highlights the economic return on investment generated from public,to voluntary organisations on how to start their journey to net zero offering free climate emergency training

SCVO response to Scottish Government Enterprise and Skills consultation

The Scottish Government is in the process of developing a framework for social security that is centred,In 2015/16, 74% of MA frameworks had a gender balance of 75:25 or worse.,In-work support is just as important as supporting people into jobs and training.,Digital Research by Tinder Foundation identifies that 90% of all new jobs require digital skills, with,SCVO are currently working on a One Digital Project offering support to individuals and providing business

The effectiveness of the self-regulation of fundraising in Scotland: an informal review

a challenge for those using digital forms of fundraising, such as social media, for example.,Whilst the original recipient of a digital ‘ask’ might be based in the charity’s regulatory area, the,ease with which a digital ‘ask’ can be passed on to another person could lead to it being received in,It is therefore essential that the need for support and training is addressed across the fundraising,(blog) [8] From OSCR’s Scottish Charity Surveys 2014 [9] As above [10] Rapidata (2015) Rapidata announces

New digital training and support framework now open for submissions

Can your organisation provide digital inclusion training or assisted digital support?,You've got until 18 January to get on the new UK government supplier framework.

Essential digital skills for Scotland - charter briefing part 1

embrace digital toolsSupport Scotland: support the nation by contributing resources and practical support,digital services, training and support to their tenants and wider community.,Essential Digital Skills Framework SCVO are building a picture of what digital inclusion looks like across,We also wanted to know which signatories are using the EDS Framework to support staff and service users,In part two of this blog, we'll look at some of the examples of charter commitments and essential digital

Cyber Security - a how to guide

Working remotely means you need to find a balance between supporting your staff and volunteers to access,It can also be as simple as regularly repeating security messages and staff training.,Derek recommends the NIST framework to help you improve your cybersecurity risk management.

6 big questions charity digital leaders need to ask

The Essential Digital Skills Framework lays out 5 types of essential digital skills for life and work,change it’s vital that they understand what support and training they need to get there.,Programmes like SCVO’s Digital Champion Training help build the confidence of frontline staff and help,tackle social exclusion by supporting people in communities to develop essential digital skills.,A version of this blog originally appeared on Charity Digital News.