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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Ruth Boyle

Policy & Parliamentary Officer at Close The Gap

Latest posts by Ruth Boyle

The week represents an opportunity to showcase work that has been done throughout the year to tackle poverty, while also calling for system change to address the root causes of poverty. Read more

Women are not a homogenous group and face different and various barriers to the labour market based upon their multiple and intersecting identities. For example, Black and minority ethnic (BME) women face an intertwined set of gendered and racial barriers that affect their... Read more

Saved from the chopping block by May’s post-election weakness, Phillip Hammond was yesterday able to jump to the dispatch box to deliver another budget and, alas, another u-turn. This time, the roll-out of Universal Credit got a face lift of sorts. The changes include: • The... Read more

The release of the Paradise Papers during Living Wage week is something of a stark reminder of the inequality that still exists in the UK. While the wealthiest in society are able to stash money overseas, many are still fighting to receive a fair wage for a day’s work. Living... Read more

Summary SCVO briefing 04 October 2017 The contracts awarded today sees the vast majority of contracts – 80 per cent – being awarded to the private sector, with only a small percentage of contracts being won by the third sector. This does not meet the Scottish Government’s... Read more

One of the prominent themes of the Scottish Government’s recent decisions on employability has been the side-lining of the third sector. The Apprenticeship Levy is no different. Last week, The Scottish Government announced the details of the Flexible Workforce Development Fund... Read more

Scottish Government to review scheme and want to hear your views The Scottish Government is in the process of reviewing the new water rates exemption scheme for charities. The Government are keen to hear how the system has been working for charities in Scotland since its... Read more

Report out today calls for changes to non-domestic rates. Earlier today, the Barclay Review of Business Rates released the report of their findings and recommendations. This concludes the long process of evidence sessions, written submissions and Parliamentary scrutiny as the... Read more

Recommendations fail to guarantee the human rights of the workforce in the UK The Taylor Report on the modern workforce was published earlier this week to mixed reviews. There was some criticism for a report that many feel is too cautious to enact real change for workers in... Read more

Is it any wonder people don’t engage in politics? Being on Twitter on Monday night, you’d be forgiven for thinking the whole world was tuned in to ‘The Battle for Number 10’. Quick wit, shrewd analysis, mild rage and casual observations filled my timeline as university friends... Read more