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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Support & learning

Setting up a charity What to consider when setting up a new voluntary organisation, including legal structures,up) an organisation, or thinking of it as an option, our guide is here to help you with the process Digital,How to deliver digital services, tackle digital exclusion and develop digital skills HR information,a voluntary sector organisation Find out more Upcoming events Infrastructure support As part of the work

Digital Participation funding – helping us go the distance!

One key area of work has been digital participation.,What we could never have expected though, was that the whole nation would suddenly switch on to the benefits,isolation and other forms of inequality in society through embedding digital skills development work,exclusion through upskilling and the purchase of devices and/or connectivity to help local communities,We'll be bringing you guest blogs from a number of our past projects over the coming weeks which we hope

Renewing Scotland’s full potential in a digital world

to tackle digital exclusion.,We support a vision that tackles digital exclusion that takes account of: MotivationAffordability of,Embedding digital inclusion Any effort to tackle digital exclusion should be embedded in existing activity,to tackle poverty and social exclusion, and not viewed as something separate.,If we want to become a digital nation then we have to empower people to know what they're doing online

6 big questions charity digital leaders need to ask

transformation. 73% of charities want their senior team to offer a clear vision of digital and what,The Essential Digital Skills Framework lays out 5 types of essential digital skills for life and work,tackle social exclusion by supporting people in communities to develop essential digital skills.,Speak to organisations tackling the same social issues as you – what can you learn from them and how,A version of this blog originally appeared on Charity Digital News.

Essential digital skills for Scotland - charter briefing part 1

In order to tackle exclusion and inequalities, our work focuses on equipping everyone with these skills,Since signing the Charter in October 2017 their digital inclusion work has gone from strength to strength,Essential Digital Skills Framework SCVO are building a picture of what digital inclusion looks like across,What was done: We ran the ‘Essential Digital Skills for Scotland’ project across a self-selecting sample,In part two of this blog, we'll look at some of the examples of charter commitments and essential digital

Digital bookmark: Notes from digital inclusion research

With Mhor Collective, One Digital and SCVO, we’ve been working with some fantastic third sector organisations,work with them towards some solutions.,The Economic Impact of Digital Inclusion in the UK by Good Things Foundation does what it says on the,and other social exclusions has been Ellen Helsper.,I know this is what we want to do with Mhor Collective.

I’ve lost my job and found myself on Universal Credit

We had arranged a demonstration as part of our work to tackle digital exclusion.,tax credits) into one to “simplify the system and ensure people are better off in work”.,Read part 2 of the blog, exploring the implications for digital public services.Please join us at our,free event on 22nd August where we will present the latest evidence on what works in building basic,Further reading To see what the Universal Credit full service application process is like, DWP have prepared

The world of resources at your fingertips

Reports, articles, blogs, tweets, snippets, charts, listicles, graphs, infographics (do I need to go,What do we want you to do in return?,So, what’s on the bookshelf today?,just published their ’smartphone by default’ research - this will be crucial in shaping our government work,programme for this year - as they want to trial 3G / mobile approaches to tackling digital exclusion

Building digital skills – lessons from around the UK

The need for a new approach and a new focus on tackling digital exclusion is clear.,community group or public service provider interested in tackling digital exclusion might find useful,proofed” to identify what opportunities they might offer to help people develop their digital skills,Tackling digital exclusion must aim to address all of these issues otherwise it is unlikely to be successful,Sunderland Council's community IT programme uses many community-led activities to tackle digital exclusion