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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Sally Dyson

Head of Digital and Development

Digital and Programmes
Looking after our work supporting digital change and the funding landscape.

Latest posts by Sally Dyson

Creating greater digital inclusion is something that we can all work towards. Read more

The pandemic was the beginning, a mass awakening to the numbers of people who were not online.  The cost-of-living crisis will see more people digitally excluded. Read more

The COVID 19 pandemic highlighted the value for everyone to be online so they can carry out everyday activities. Connecting Residents in Scotland's Care Homes was set up to support residents to keep in touch with family and friends and by doing so go some way to help their mental... Read more

Scottish Government has sponsored a digital award at the Scottish Charity Awards for the past seven years. In the first year there was much discussion whether highlighting digital as a 'thing' was the right way to go. It should be part of everything that we do, so why should... Read more

Trustees Week 2019 saw Third Sector Lab and SCVO Digital bring together charities and people working in digital industries to create greater understanding of how we practically get more digital folk on charity boards. Digital Trustees Scotland was part of the roadshow developed... Read more

This was how we had internally billed the second in a series of workshops bringing together funders and charities across Scotland. Our aim for this stream of work is to develop high level principles and models for re-focussing how funders and charities work together across... Read more

Back in March, in his blog ‘Money, Money, Money', John Downie kicked off our collaboration with the sector and funders to develop funding principles, approaches and models fit for purpose for the climate we’re in the midst of. The climate of doing more with less, finding new... Read more

The latest research from Lloyds Banking Group identifies that 52% of charities have basic digital skills, a rise of 4% from 2017. This is coupled, at the other end of the scale, with the number of charities reporting as having none of the basic digital skills reducing from 10... Read more

Lloyds Banking Group, encompassing Bank of Scotland, has launched the third iteration of its UK Consumer Digital Index. It is based on the data of 1 million of its customers and this includes 9,000 1-2-1 interviews. The news is mixed. Overall, as other analyses highlight, the... Read more

The pace of change has never been this fast and will never be this slow again*. So, how do we make sure that we keep up? A question which exercises me often. One of the ways is accepting that we can’t. Sometimes we need to use something for a while, take a break, reflect and... Read more