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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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SCVO submission to the Finance Committee on Scotland's public finances

Under the NOLB implementation plan, CJS is due to end by March 2022 with funding being transferred to,While we agree with the aims of NOLB, programmes, like CJS, should be extended and funded for another,and Employment Support Scotland), the end of European Social Funds due to Brexit, and national funds,TSEF highlight that ending Skills Development Scotland’s Employability Fund will mean that £2.3m will,By good practice, we refer to favourable contract arrangements, such as inflationary uplift, multi-year

SCVO response to Scottish Government Enterprise and Skills consultation

The World Economic Forum recently reported that 65% of children entering primary school today will end,The end goal of enterprise and skills support should be the well-being and collective prosperity of people,to realign CJS as both a means of obtaining an employment outcome in and of itself, while also enabling,CJS to become a pre-apprenticeship option.,To work with third sector organisations only through contracting-out arrangements to deliver programmes

Reference briefing: Scotland’s Labour Market Strategy

commit to moving away from unsustainable and unsuitable contracts and short-term employment.,Since it began CJS has created 7000 paid opportunities with nearly 600 different third sector employers,Now entering its sixth phase, CJS has demonstrated its ability to move high numbers of disadvantaged,training and advocacy to enable carers to request flexible working or to get back into work after caring ends,Economic Forum recently reported that 65% of children entering primary school today will ultimately end

Analysis of Scottish Government Programme for Government

Scottish employment support will be delivered from spring 2017.,have been in care, we will work with the third sector to develop a new fund, based on the example of CJS,Over the next year, a new GP contract will be agreed upon to deliver more accessible services.,(Third Party Rights) Bill – to reform current law on contracts relating to third party rights.,She said that she wished to move to a situation where people saw community ownership as “desirable and

Creating a Fairer Scotland: Employability Support - SCVO Response

provides a starting point, although we need to be careful to use the measures as a guide rather than the end,To date, CJS has supported around 6000 young care leavers, young people with convictions, young people,Move beyond commissioning and contracting The third sector already plays a significant role in supporting,How can we move beyond commissioning and contracting to ensure that community infrastructure is supported,training and advocacy to enable carers to request flexible working or to get back into work after caring ends

Moving on up: Choose a job you love

Your CJS employee is in the same boat, but there are things you can do to help.,You tend to have less fear and less to lose by making the wrong move when you’re young.,='20'] This blog is part of a series where Gillian will share hints and tips on how to support your CJS,employee prepare for the end of their contract.,As a CJS employer you are responsible for encouraging your employees to use the website and setting aside

Building a strong CV

little of the training (navigation, knot tying, firefighting or seamanship) was relevant in my day jobs, employers,Well, here are my top bugbears: Ending the letter with “Yours truly” – it should be “Yours sincerely”,the end of their contract.,As a CJS employer you are responsible for encouraging your employees to use the website and setting aside,living in Scotland the chance to win up to £1000 of travel prizes to get their career moving in the

Moving on up: Identifying job skills

How to help CJS employees to identify their skills and feel confident talking about them in job applications

5,000 jobs created for young unemployed people in charities

on permanent employment.”,on by us and was with us for two years until she moved onto a full-time position.”,“More than 70% of people taking part in CJS go on to either full time employment, further training or,“That’s why we’re so appalled by the UK Government’s decision to extend its failing Work Programme contracts,ENDS Notes to editors: The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national body representing

There's no justification for extending failing Work Programme

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations, said: “We are utterly appalled by the UK Government’s move,to the Scottish Parliament as soon as current contracts expired.,“We already have the highly successful Community Jobs Scotland (CJS) which has changed the lives of 5,000,Overall, more than 60% of people taking part in CJS go on to either full time employment or take up further,ENDS Notes to editors: The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) is the national body representing