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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Scotland's programme for government and the third sector

Key themes in Scottish Government plan New powers Economy Education Health Justice Community empowerment,and local democracy Human Rights Social Enterprise EU membership and independence With extensive powers,to the Holyrood, MSPs will soon have to grapple with taxation rates and introduce a Social Security Bill,Of course the constitution is still top of the agenda with a focus on the post-Brexit landscape and plans,were unveiled to prepare a Bill for a potential second independence referendum.

Analysis of Scottish Government Programme for Government

Following the EU Referendum, a Business Information Service and Post-Brexit Business Network (comprising,Government aim to embed prevention to improve outcomes and ensure the long-term viability of health,However, she also stated that it may be the case that Scottish independence is the only way of achieving,To this end, the First Minister announced that the Scottish Government will consult on a draft Referendum,Bill, to prepare for a second independence referendum should it be agreed it was the best way to protect

SCVO Briefing - Scottish Labour Employment Debate

society and the economy and yet are not well supported; for example, the current Carers (Scotland) Bill,We must also recognise that an individual’s form of contribution, or employability needs, may change,powers over social security and employment programmes are on the table alongside an energised population post-referendum,[ii] Independent and Scottish Green Party Debate: An End to In-work Poverty - SCVO briefing [iii] SCVO,response to Devolution Committee Inquiry into Scotland Bill.

Creating a Fairer Scotland: Employability Support - SCVO Response

Independence Referendum The devolution of further powers, particularly around welfare and employability,A partial approach to devolving employability and welfare in the current Scotland Bill which is fast,The key here is to value all forms of contribution, not just jobs, and to tailor support to each citizen,Tailored approaches are needed; people shouldn't have to wait to become long term unemployed in order,Within a more universal offer we can offer more tailored support to prevent people moving into long term

Call for Evidence, Welfare Reform Committee - The Future of Social Security

both UK and Scottish policy.,Moreover, current and future reforms e.g. continued transfer to Personal Independence Payment (PIP) are,Tackling long term challenges The third sector views devolution as an opportunity to consider how we,As we prepare for further devolution we must take a long, hard look at how we use current powers in relation,This debate pre-dated the referendum e.g.

Smith Commission: cabin fever, thank yous & what's next

Pres_Bartlet) May 10, 2014 I suspect Felix will retreat to the relative safety of the Community Empowerment Bill,The Heads of Agreement will be with us before we know it, and a bill will appear in the new year both,We must ensure that the opportunity people had during the referendum debate to discuss the nature of,the Scottish constitutional settlement and the kind of Scotland they want to live in, is also offered,Having been able to exercise their voices on the issue of independence it would be a mistake to exclude

The Scottish Independence Bill: A consultation on an interim constitution for Scotland

Any significant change to the way Scotland is run must be led by citizens, not politicians The referendum,References [i] See [ii] See, [iii] See,/ [iv] See,/ [v] See

Consultation on Scotland's Electoral Future: delivering improvements in participation and administration

As highlighted in the latest Scottish Social Attitudes Survey[ii], levels of trust in the Scottish Government,If the Scottish Government is “committed to a strong Scottish Parliament, diverse local authorities and,Refugee Council, SAMH, NIDOS and Environment LINK have all carried out work around the Referendum focussing,But unless people have a reason to vote (either in the Referendum, local elections, or general elections,[i] See [ii] Scottish Social

Parliamentary Debate: The Impact of Welfare Reform

challenges facing government in Scotland – now and after the referendum.,Feedback from Inclusion Scotland and others show continued delays for PIP applications, with long waiting,Lack of choice around goods supplied through Community Care Grants may work against independent living,stop-the-care-tax/108-20-000-lose-out-because-of-tightening-eligibility-criteria vii,/consultation-on-draft-welfare-funds-scotland-bill/ viii Mooney and Johnstone – Scotland divided ; poverty

Inquiry into Scotland’s Economic Future Post-2014

Whilst measures announced in the Scottish Government’s White Paper on Independence may help mediate elements,whilst we welcome the commitment to invest in childcare and expand childcare provision both pre- and post-Referendum,know that the need to rebalance the economy is not just a moral point, but that doing so will have long-lasting,References [i] [ii], [xv]