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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Paul Bradley

Former Policy & Public Affairs Manager at SCVO

Latest posts by Paul Bradley

SCVO Briefing to Scottish Parliament 21 January 2019 Download a PDF version of this document Summary Reduced funding is resulting in high levels of uncertainty for the people and communities who rely on personalised services delivered by Scotland’s third sector and the staff and... Read more

13 December 2018 Download PDF version of this document Introduction The Cabinet Secretary for Finance, Economy and Fair Work has announced the Scottish Government’s Autumn Budget only months before the UK’s scheduled exit from the European Union. It comes amidst the uncertainties... Read more

Scottish National Investment Bank - SCVO response to Scottish Government 01 November 2018 Download a PDF version of this document Our position The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) welcome the proposals for a National Investment Bank. The Bank should be closely... Read more

SCVO Brief on UK Budget 2018: The unknown - Brexit and Spending Review 30 October 2018 The Chancellor of the Exchequer has announced the UK Government’s Autumn Budget only months before the UK exits the European Union and amidst the uncertainties of what a UK economy will look... Read more

Scotland’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Network began with fifteen people in a room. They strongly felt that the SDGs in Scotland needed a push; momentum had been lost and those at the heart of working with the SDGs were determined to step up the pace with government and... Read more

Economy, Jobs and Fair Work Committee Inquiry on Scottish Government Draft Budget 2019-2020 Download the PDF version of this document Our position Payment by results, the over-representation of the private sector, and prescriptive customer journeys mean there is likely to be... Read more

A landmark report on the UK’s progress toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) has been published. ‘Measuring Up’, produced by UKSSD, paints a gloomy picture of the UK’s performance, whilst highlighting successes across the 17 SDGs that tackle issues from improving health... Read more

Do you want to help transform government? Imagine a country where citizens and governments come together to solve the most pressing challenges we face; where the decision making process is transparent and accountable, and where you have a real say in the policies and services... Read more

Debate on Draft National Outcomes – SCVO Briefing SCVO briefing to Scottish Parliament 23 May 2018 Download the PDF version of this briefing Our position We strongly welcome all the revised National Outcomes. And the Sustainable Development Goals being used to frame them. On the... Read more

The Scottish Government’s revised National Performance Framework is important to us all. It sets the Scottish Government’s overarching purpose and the indicators that show how the Government is performing against National Outcomes that cover economic, health, social and... Read more