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Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

Posts tagged Policy briefing

Welfare SCVO and the wider third sector will welcome the fact that the Committee has raised concerns about the welfare powers promised as a result of the Smith Commission. It is not secret that many within the sector wanted to see more welfare powers being devolved to Scotland... Read more

Introduction First, SCVO once again calls for immediate devolution of powers over supporting people into jobs agreed by the Smith Commission to Holyrood and the commencement of a wider debate about how employment and employability support should be shaped in Scotland. As outlined... Read more

Introduction SCVO welcomes the opportunity to submit this briefing on the Carers (Scotland) Bill. At a time when carers and their families face a “double whammy” of service and welfare cuts, there are too many people facing crisis situations. Recognising the wider context We... Read more

Scene Setting Health inequalities are both created and exacerbated when policies, legislation, services and our economy impact on our lives in very real and sometimes devastating ways; consider the impact of welfare reform on poverty and isolation[i], and the increased... Read more

Our response SCVO welcomes this Independent and Scottish Green Debate ‘An End to In-work Poverty’, and would like to contribute the following: Well-being through the economy Creating material wealth for its own sake cannot be the driving force behind our economy. After a certain... Read more

Land Reform Review Group We strongly welcomed the publication of the Land Reform Review Group (LRRG) Report: ‘The Land of Scotland and the Common Good’ as a thoughtful, comprehensive and coherent report, providing the rationale and agenda for action to achieve greater fairness... Read more

Dignity and Choice; Action not Rhetoric We welcome the addition of a dignity clause at Stage 2 but remain disappointed that the third sector’s more detailed amendment was rejected. Whilst political rhetoric in Scotland calls for a more compassionate and empowering approach to... Read more

Beyond legislation The Community Empowerment Bill is one small part of the change needed to enable more empowered communities. It is vital that this Bill is considered in those terms and not seen as the totality of the approach that is required. It is our view that the impact of... Read more

20th January 2015 The third sector in Scotland has long thought that ensuring the well-being of people across Scotland should be the guiding principle behind any vision for Scotland. Inequality is not just about the money in people’s pockets. It’s about a range of other issues... Read more

Income, Regional and Social Inequality SCVO considers that any future Scottish Government economic strategies should focus on using the economy, and the wealth it creates, to tackle Scotland’s endemic social, health and income inequalities. Scotland suffers from economic... Read more