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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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State of the Sector 2024: key Scottish voluntary sector figures and trends

Download PDF The voluntary sector in numbers – key facts There are over 46,500 voluntary sector organisations,size and shape and get in touch with our research team if you'd like to know more.,Key financial trends in 2024 Sector assets now worth £37bn but many organisations are drawing on reserves,Key income sources and trends The public sector and the general public are the two most important sources,/stats-funding.

Individual Giving in Scotland

Donations income also fell, particularly in 2022 - this appears to be less linked to the pandemic, and,As a result, difficulty fundraising has been one of the top challenges reported in the Scottish Third,This SCVO briefing pulls together some key facts about the individual giving landscape in Scotland and,Key Stats 80% of Scottish charities receive donations and fundraised income from the public.,these are outweighed by the number reporting decreases.

Scottish Sector Stats: six highlights from 2021

The figures below are from SCVO’s Sector Stats 2022.,As well as an overview of the latest key stats we’ve taken a more in-depth look into six highlights.,Most charity accounts analysed for the Sector Stats 2022 covered the period April 2020 to March 2021,In 2022 the figure rose to 1.8 closures per day, but still below the average pre-2020 rates.,For more Sector Stats including interactive maps, charts and tables go to

Pre-Budget Scrutiny Evidence: Social Justice and Social Security Committee

About our response SCVO welcomes the opportunity to give evidence to the Social Justice and Social Security,Our submission draws on evidence from: SCVO’s engagement with the Social Justice and Social Security,SCVO policy submissions, engagement, and research with the sector throughout 22-23.,The Scottish Third Sector Tracker SCVO’s State of the Sector statistics 2022.,, we strongly recommend that the Scottish Government offer: Winter support: Brief the Committee and key

Response to Equalities, Human Rights, and Civil Justice Committee pre-budget scrutiny: (The impact of the Scottish Budget on the public)

Our submission draws on evidence from: SCVO’s engagement with the Committee and its predecessor, the,SCVO policy submissions, engagement, and research with the sector throughout 22-23.,The Scottish Third Sector Tracker SCVO’s State of the Sector statistics 2022.,through significant research and engagement with the voluntary sector.,In October 2021, SCVO gave evidence to the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee.

Response to Finance and Public Administration pre-budget scrutiny: The sustainability of Scotland's finances

SCVO policy submissions, engagement, and research with the sector throughout 22-23.,The Scottish Third Sector Tracker SCVO’s State of the Sector statistics 2022.,research and engagement with the voluntary sector.,SCVO is engaging with key partners to make the case for this.,While these figures provide the latest snapshot of how the sector is faring, figures from the Scottish

Inquiry into the Scottish Government’s Public Service Reform programme - SCVO response

submit evidence to the Finance and Public Administration Committee's inquiry into the Scottish Government,Our submission draws upon: The Scottish Third Sector Tracker - wave 5 summary report (Winter 2022)SCVO's,State of the Sector 2022 (August 2022)Fair Funding for the Voluntary Sector (January 2023)A collection,of SCVO engagement and research activities into Fair Funding (2022) SCVO's response to the Scottish,SCVO’s State of the Sector statistics for 2022 are available online.

SCVO response to pre-budget scrutiny 2023/24: the sector's role in reducing inequalities & alleviating

About our response SCVO welcomes the opportunity to provide written evidence in advance of the oral evidence,Our submission draws on evidence from: SCVO support services (funding, digital, membership support, and,Sector statistics 2022.,In SCVO’s research, many organisations have reported having had no increases in local or national government,We would point the committee to evidence SCVO and others provided to the former Economy, Energy, and

SCVO response to pre-budget scrutiny 2023/24: the impact of human rights budgeting

The Scottish Third Sector TrackerSCVO’s State of the Sector statistics 2022.,Last October, SCVO gave evidence to the Equalities, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee.,Our response will focus on those where SCVO can provide evidence. Priority 1.,A recent research report into net zero provision for voluntary organisations in Scotland by CEiS highlighted,Between December 2021 and April 2022, 86% of organisations reported rising costs, a figure that is expected

SCVO response to the Finance & Public Administration Committee: Scotland's public finances in 2023-24

SCVO policy submissions, engagement, and research with the sector throughout 21-22. ,The Scottish Third Sector Tracker SCVO’s State of the Sector statistics 2022.,In SCVO’s research, many organisations reported having had no increases in local or national government,SCVO and others in the sector have provided significant evidence to the committee on how the NPF can,A recent research report into net zero provision for voluntary organisations in Scotland by CEiS highlighted