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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Scottish Charity Awards winners - 2023 We announced the winners of the Scottish Charity Awards 2023 at,Run annually by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), the Scottish Charity Awards,Magda Czarnecka, chief executive, Feniks said: "Winning the Scottish Charity Awards' Campaign of the,Our appreciation goes out to the Scottish Charity Awards for recognising our campaign, and we are honoured,Thank you to everyone who participated in the Scottish Charity Awards this year, including our sponsors

Scottish Charity Award winners 2024

Scottish Charity Award winners - 2024 We announced the 11 winners of the Scottish Charity Awards 2024,Run annually by the Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO), the Scottish Charity Awards,of school meal debt for 30,000 children in 2023.,In early 2023, the charity faced the overwhelming challenge of possible closure.,Charity Awards.

Scottish Charity Awards 2023 winners announced

Scotland’s voluntary sector celebrated at SCVO’s annual awards ceremony The winners of the Scottish Charity,, the Scottish Charity Awards celebrates the best of the voluntary sector.,The winners of the Scottish Charity Awards 2023 are: Campaign of the Year award: FeniksVolunteer of the,Children’s Hospital CharityCharity of the Year award: Diversified Read full details about all the winners,Thank you to everyone who participated in the Scottish Charity Awards this year, including our sponsors

SCVO Impact Report 2023/24

Charity law review Through our Policy team’s influencing efforts, in 2023 the Scottish Government committed,This work deserves to be celebrated and SCVO's Scottish Charity Awards are our way to do exactly that,The 2023 Scottish Charity Awards took place in Edinburgh and shone a light on the amazing work of our,Learn more about each of our winners. The Gathering 2023 The Gathering,,Charity Awards.

Awards celebrate a year of fundraising excellence

Find out who all of the winners were here

Strategy for 2023-28

Edinburgh Children's Hospital Charity, Scottish Charity Award winners 2021 Strategy for 2023-28 Ambitious,Charities, social enterprises and community organisations have simultaneously never been more needed,Strathmore Community Rugby Trust, Scottish Charity Award winners in 2020 Conclusion The voluntary sector,aspect of SCVO’s work is adding value to the sector’s contribution, collectively or as individual charities