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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Managing risks and problems

Risk management Risk management approach and policies Handling complaints Creating safety Safeguarding Health & Safety Conflicts of interest

SCVO Trustee Network

Sign up now: Good Governance webinars Our regular Good Governance webinars look at common issues and,Check out our information on good governance and Our seven steps to help you on your way to becoming,The Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector Good governance is vital to the success and sustainability,Lack of good governance can not only lead to internal turmoil, it can also have far reaching effects,The Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector sets out the five core principles of good governance

Scottish Government Commitments

When calling for Fair Funding principles and asks to be adopted by the Scottish Government, it is important,The Scottish Government has made numerous commitments to aspects of Fair Funding over previous years:,The Scottish Government will continue to work with the sector to tackle the barriers it continues to,beyond year to year.”With the appointment of the new First Minister, in April 2023 the Scottish Government,Programme for Government 2023-24 also committed to producing “a plan to deliver improvements including

Structure and governing documents

Your governing document outlines the formal rules about how your board will govern and make decisions,join the organisation as part of their induction, and all trustees should read and understand the governing,It is important that your governing document is regularly reviewed, paying special attention to the part,Unincorporated organisations – village halls governed by a deed of Trust Many village halls in Scotland

Five things I learnt from delivering SCVO’s new governance training 

Back in May I worked with SCVO to pilot a series of governance training courses – these are three practical,I knew people could get the legal basics on governance from many places, but we felt there was a gap,in the Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector. 5.,Governance training can be fun!,Philippa Bonella, SCVO governance trainer

Guide to good governance: defining strategy culture and values

Village and community halls handbook

From governance and facilities management to net zero and digital, we'll guide you through what you need,Trusts Association Scotland (DTAS), with support from Scottish Rural Network, part of the Scottish Government’s

Programme for Government: Voluntary sector deserves to be treated fairly

Secretary for Finance announced significant cuts to programmes this year to enable the Scottish Government,John Swinney took to the lectern in the Scottish Parliament to present his first Programme for Government,There is no doubt Government sometimes needs to make difficult choices, but they’re avoiding the hard

Insights on better endings

It’s an obvious one to start with but many nonprofits reliant on government funding or philanthropic,Fragile governance is leading to poor decisions which can create fast spirals of crisis towards endings,This trend is marked by lack of understanding of the governance role of trustees, and by inadequate relationships

Scottish Government funding of voluntary organisations

A case study of voluntary sector intermediaries Insights from senior leaders of voluntary sector intermediaries Prepared byPaul BradleyPolicy & Public Affairs ManagerSCVO September 2022

Funding Scotland