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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

AI organisational policies

Internal policies for staff use People in your organisation will already be using AI, so you’ll want a policy on employee use. This will be similar to a “use of social media” policy. Individuals and teams across organisations are already actively experimenting with tools such as...

The Economy

cost-of-living crisis costs remaining high additional costs being levied on some voluntary organisations governments


Some organisations use the local government SJC Salary Scales.

Letter to John Swinney, First Minister: Autumn Budget 2024 – employers’ National Insurance contributions

John Swinney MSP, First Minister Scottish Government 12 November 2024 Dear First Minister Autumn Budget,I welcome the support of your government in calling for the UK Government to meet the costs of the policy,need plus a wealth of advice and guidance, and is funded entirely by voluntary donations with no Government,basis that I urge you to ensure that, come what may, grants and contracts awarded by the Scottish Government

Board of trustees

SCVO is governed by a Board of Trustees.,been Convener of SCVO since December 2023 and brings a wealth of experience in senior leadership, governance,Working across 13 Government teams and respected by all political parties, Kim brings extensive experience,developing strategy, embedding quality and delivering impact, along with experience in charitable governance,He worked in Scottish Government Third Sector Unit and the National Lottery Community Fund and then for

SCVO response to the UK general election results

The new government must move quickly to deliver just that.,This is an opportunity that the new UK government must grasp with both hands.,First Minister of Scotland met to commit to improving the relationship between the Scottish and UK Governments

Scottish budget: Glimmers of hope amid financial hopelessness

Ahead of the budget, SCVO made two asks of the Scottish Government: to work with us on mitigations to,On NICs, the budget document confirms the Scottish Government will continue to press the Chancellor to,The government fell short, however, of putting its money where its mouth is and committing to cover those,draw the conclusion that voluntary sector staff are considerably less important to the Scottish Government,another year of standstill budgets for the voluntary organisations funded through that part of government

Using SCVO templates

You should check that this policy is compliant with the law and with your own governing document.

Holiday pay calculations

Employers can use the government website calculator to work out holiday entitlement.


opened up that allow Scotland’s charities to work in close partnership with elected members and government,crucial that charities continue to work constructively with the Scottish Parliament, the Scottish Government

Funding Scotland