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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Reference briefing: Scotland’s Labour Market Strategy

Procurement is also a key issue, with competitive tenure often undermining the sector’s ability to participate

Briefing: SNP Manifesto – third sector commitments

help social enterprises compete for public sector contracts and encourage councils to promote the procurement

Opening up open government

only withheld after a conscious assessment of the need to do so; Ensure greater transparency in procurement

Charities, the Lobbying Act and the Holyrood election

The above activities can be “reasonably regarded as intending to promote or procure the electoral success

Government to favour bidders who pay the Living Wage

Today the Scottish Government launched its new public procurement guidance to promote fair work.,hardly the revelation that we’d been hoping for back when we first started work on what became the Procurement

Briefing: public sector funding

Contracts appear to be geared towards large-scale procurement, with few opportunities for smaller organisations

New SCVO Policy Committee members

This has let me cover a range of areas, including sport, community organisations, procurement, public

SCVO 2016 Holyrood Manifesto - Key Themes

Sustainable funding for the sector – better procurement, grants and access to finance at a time of public

SCVO response to Scottish Government consultation on Changes to the Public Procurement Rules in Scotland

Government’s new economic strategy and fair work agenda, now is an opportune time to ensure that procurement,We hope that the Scottish Government takes this opportunity to make procurement a real building block,Indeed, alongside funding, many members cite procurement and procurement processes as the biggest issue,professionals regarding procurement processes and what is possible within the law.,procurement.

Work, wages and wellbeing in the Scottish labour market

Encouraging the establishment of such firms through providing more extensive support, preferential procurement,use of globally ethical businesses, as will be possible through the careful implementation of the Procurement

Funding Scotland