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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

SCOPE: skills recognition, capacity building and professional education for the voluntary sectorufeff

Ireland, Finland, Latvia and Estonia, to develop five modules which cover the following key topics: Governance

Think before you leap

conference on Strengthening Civil Society Impact, chairing a session on the ways in which different governments,Learning from our colleagues in Wales Since its inception, the Welsh Government has had legislation setting,out how Welsh Government and the voluntary sector will work together and communicate.,It was great to have the opportunity to talk to colleagues from Welsh Government, WCVA and the wider,Welsh Government really do provide multi year funding, and where they don’t (usually, apparently, if

Letter to Scottish MPs - UK Budget: Impact of NI changes on charities in your constituency

supporting our communities.Together with sister organisations across the UK, we are calling on the government,TSI Scotland Network letter to Angela Rayner, Secretary of State for Housing, Communities & Local Government

Guide to organisational change

for Continuing Employment) Partnership Action for Continuing Employment (PACE) is the Scottish Government's,Job Finding Support Scheme The UK Government has introduced a scheme to offer support across England,

Choosing the right structure

The right structure for your organisation depends on what you're going to do, and how you're going to do it. Find out about the available structures here.

Third Sector Resilience Fund - summary of submissions to the Local Government and Communities Committee. (May 2020)

This paper summarises the responses to the Local Government and Communities Committee’s call to Third,Sector Interfaces (TSIs) to submit views on the Scottish Government’s Third Sector Resilience Fund (

Towards a Research and Development Strategy for Social Services in Scotland

Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) in partnership with the Scottish Government,of all five associated Change Programmes (Performance Improvement; Service Development; Practice Governance

Managing the Needs of Drunk and Incapable People in Scotland: a Literature Review and Needs Assessment

The purpose of this research was to identify what need there is in Scotland for services for people who become drunk and incapable in public. This involved not only estimating the size and nature of the problem, but also looking in detail at how the needs of this population are...

Scottish Charity Awards winners - 2017

change in Scottish Education for pupils who have learning disabilities, resulting in the Scottish Government,a loss of £192k into a surplus financial position, transitioning into a SCIO and ensuring good governance

Funding Scotland