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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Third sector says UK must stay in single market and customs union

details various measures they feel are essential to avoid or minimise the potential harmful impacts of Brexit,Seamus McAleavey, Chief Executive of NICVA said: “This crucial next phase of the Brexit negotiations,for devolution from Brexit are deep and wide-ranging.,We must build on this and have no regression on current rights post Brexit.,Brexit must not diminish our European engagement and connections.

#Budget2018 shows a lack of strategy for the sector and its long term viability

Delivering his last Budget before Brexit, 'Spreadsheet Phil' (as the Chancellor has been hilariously,Worryingly, much of the budget was based on assumptions and is predicated on Brexit proceeding smoothly,has reserved the right to write an entirely new Budget in the Spring should he feel the need to after Brexit,Again, this is a fairly shrewd move and could help to keep Brexiteer rebels in line with the promise,of even more goodies if they don't upset the Brexit applecart too much.

Berlin, Obama and collaboration

The panellists went straight into discussing the changing face of Europe (cue Brexit chatter) and the

Brexit - regions discovering the grass isn't always greener

Seafood Trade having a meeting at Westminster demanding the area receieves Free Trade status after Brexit,happened, there would still be demand for the industry’s produce, so it didn’t matter which way the Brexit,South Tyneside voted 62% in favour of Brexit.,More than half of those who voted in Cornwall (56.5%) opted for Brexit.,protest that the government did not include the ceramics industry in its list of sectors selected for Brexit

European Union (Withdrawal Bill) Amendments – A Scottish and Welsh Third Sector Response

Summary The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations (SCVO) and Wales Council for Voluntary Action (WCVA) are requesting that Scottish and Welsh MP give their backing to the cross-party tabling of amendments from the Scottish and Welsh Governments’. SCVO and WCVA have...

Brexit – The Withdrawal Effects

This was meant to offer peace of mind and to assure people that on ‘Brexit day’, we would start off from,to Westminster will automatically be fully devolved at a later date enhanced powers as a result of Brexit,is the time to have the discussion about where power should rest and how it should be used With the Brexit,Brexit campaigners promised that we’d be able to ‘take back control’.

Scottish Government Debate – Contribution of EU Nationals

potential threat posed to these by the UK’s withdrawal from the EU – including the threat posed by Brexit,to EEA Citizens' Rights: Brexit and EEA Citizen Rights EUareValued We believe every person who works

National charity bodies support amendments to EU Withdrawal Bill

While both organisations believe there may be a case for some shared UK frameworks post-Brexit, both,Indeed, Brexit actually affords an opportunity to revisit the discussion about where power should ideally,Executive of WCVA, added: “Wales and the third sector face many unique challenges as a consequence of Brexit

SCVO respond to ScotGov ‘Protecting what matters – what’s at stake for individuals in the Brexit talks

Scottish Government's publication of ‘Protecting what matters – what’s at stake for individuals in the Brexit, welcomes this report and the opportunity it gives to real people to talk about the tangible impact Brexit,It’s also encouraging to see input from so many third sector organisations, explaining the effect Brexit,“This report is a clear sign that the Scottish Government recognises Brexit really is about the impact,as such, SCVO strongly supports the Scottish Government’s stance on mitigating the worst impacts of Brexit


Funding Scotland