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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

The collapse of Kids Company – a lesson in prudence

Calum Munro argues prudence shouldn't be dismissed as a Victorian concept in charity governance – trustees

Trustees must do more to understand charity finances

the vast majority of trustees feel their charity could have a better understanding of financial governance

Small Charity Week 2023

Information Service on topics ranging from constitutions and charity law to data protection and good governance,And what about your board governance?,If you’d like to check out how you measure up against the five core principles of the Scottish Governance,Code for the Third Sector, take a look at our Good Governance Checkup This will take you through a series

Careful now! Your emerging AI strategy 

Can you have a strategy for an emerging, frothy technology like AI? Yes, you can, but it needs to be realistic and flexible. In this blog, I’ll highlight some of the areas you should cover. We’ll expand on this in our AI guide for the voluntary sector.

CAF - Keystone Fund

Currently Closed
staff and volunteer training, operational challenges)- Bolster their core building blocks (e.g. governance

Putting your trust in trustees

should respond to recent negative media coverage of the role of trustees with a robust approach to governance

Not waving but drowning: so who’s to blame?

Robert Armour questions whether blame for a housing association's continued governance woes should be

CAS is a safe place to work now, says new chair

Citizens Advice Scotland believes the organisation has now turned a corner with a strong board and governance

Organisations seeking public sector grants to pay real Living Wage and provide effective workers’ voice from 1 July 2023

These changes are part of the Scottish Government’s commitment to become a Fair Work Nation by 2025.,Details of both criteria and wider Fair Work commitments are available in the Scottish Government’s recently,Fair Work has been a Scottish Government priority since 2016.,The Scottish Government consulted on Becoming a Fair Work Nation in December 2021.,Fair Funding is central to the Scottish Government’s Fair Work ambitions.

SCVO: Economic role of voluntary sector not recognised by government

Scotland’s national membership organisation for the voluntary sector has warned the Scottish Government’s,With an annual turnover of £6bn and more than 100,000 paid staff, the Scottish Government needs to invest,While the Scottish Government pledges to ensure the voice of business is heard, with ‘robust governance,This is not an inclusive strategy, and there is little evidence of the Scottish Government respecting,Scotland’s first spending review in 11 years, it needed to go further in detailing how the Scottish Government

Funding Scotland