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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

New employment law resources

ranging from how to set up a charity to dealing with GDPR, from safeguarding to the new Scottish Governance

Improving the health of Scotland's people

The Scottish Government and COSLA’s Public Health Reform aims to create “a Scotland where everybody thrives

Bills and Amendments: what, why and how

There are many types of Bill: Government Bills; Members Bills; Private Bills; and Committee Bills.,As Government Bills make up 80-95% of the Bills progressing through the Scottish Parliament at any one,time, in this session we focused upon Government Bills.,that the Legislation Team are best placed to do this.The less detail an amendment has the less Government,Less detail, however, also gives the government more power at regulation phase.

My 439 days managing the Open Government Pioneers Project

That’s how long I’ve been Project Coordinator for the Open Government Pioneers Project.,interest in global corruption, made me jump at the chance to get involved with Scotland’s open government,Without doubt, it’s the Open Government Network that has provided me with the most interesting experience,been a challenge, especially at a time when Scotland has just started to deliver its first Open Government,My feeling is that this listening – by both Government and ourselves – will pay off.

#ILoveCharity – campaign update

So far, we have: Worked with Scotland’s Third Sector Governance Forum to launch a new Governance Code

SCVO response to ScotGov Fair Start Scotland Report

Following the release of the Scottish Government's 'Fair Start Scotland', 'Work First Scotland' & 'Work,We must better align across Scottish Government’s various policy agendas to achieve the right outcomes

Leadership - #TrusteesWeek

If you’re one of the more than 250,000 trustees in Scotland, you’ll know that good governance is vital,That’s why this week sees the launch of the new Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector.,the five principles of the Code is Leadership, because without good leaders, you can’t have great governance,as a trustee in a third sector organisation is to understand and respect the difference between governance,The lines between governance and management are easily blurred, but the broad difference is that governance

Thousands in cyber grants available to Scottish charities

The Scottish Government has launched a grants scheme to help charities boost their cyber resilience.,Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Local Government, Aileen Campbell said: “The Scottish Government,We’re delighted to be launching this new grants round with the Scottish Government, and we’re looking

Towards a Scottish Governance Code

The issue of a Scottish Governance Code for the third sector has been discussed in the past but has never,At Scotland’s Third Sector Governance Forum, that troubled us.,We think the Scottish third sector could really benefit from its own Governance Code.,Governance Code.,Governance matters.

Cyber grants available to Scottish charities

Earlier in 2018 the Scottish Government launched a Cyber Resilience Action Plan for the third sector.,That’s why SCVO and the Scottish Government have just launched a second cyber grants programme, giving,Cyber Essentials is a simple but effective, Government backed scheme that will help you to protect your

Funding Scotland