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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Trustees share top tips

They attended our recent Building Better Governance training programme in Edinburgh, another series of

Budget and local authority round-up

Budgeting Fun This should be the time of year when many of us have fun with the Scottish Government budget,Local Government and communities One of those committees covers local government and communities.

Dave's story: from prison to employment

But after weeks of going round the block with the DWP, the government, housing and every agency under

Fairer Scotland should mean fairer employability

The Scottish Government has announced the highly anticipated Fairer Scotland Action Plan and the issue,The Scottish Government has been promoting ‘fair work’ through the living wage and the Business Pledge,employability in Scotland, particularly for disempowered and disadvantaged groups The Scottish Government,In this plan, the Scottish Government is singing from our hymn sheet and that presents a great opportunity,The Government has set itself a bold task to achieve fairer working lives by 2030.

Being a trustee in the digital age

to recognise the role of digital in everything we do, from supporting beneficiaries through to governance

There’s more to Brexit than business, just ask the third sector

So perhaps it’s premature to think all is well, despite the new found positivity from the UK Government,It’s been four months and we’re still waiting on a real plan from the UK Government.,One thing is clear: we can’t sit back and let the UK Government leave us with the Chris De Burgh records

The hole in Glasgow’s Brexit plan

Most other influential voices tend to agree with us, not least the Scottish Government.,It then argues these can be overcome if the Scottish and UK Governments take specific policy decisions,Inclusive growth is one of the twin pillars of the Scottish Government's economic strategy.,Her subsequent programme for government was founded upon three key priorities: participation, prosperity,Each of these inclusive growth principles has been carried forward into her current government plan.

Who Cares? We do

We must continue to make the case for a comprehensive review, hold the government to account and break

Funding Scotland