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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

A time for action

We believe that the Scottish Government must use powers over employment to ensure that jobs in Scotland,The Scottish Government must work with the UK Government to ensure that these rights are protected.,Finally, the Scottish and UK Governments must also give consideration as to how they will continue to,Since the economic crisis, we have seen successive governments make spending cuts that are detrimental

Position statement on UK Government anti-advocacy clause for Government funding

to prohibit organisations in receipt of grant funding from all UK departments from influencing government,Our position We fundamentally reject the notion that government funds should not be used to resource,Voluntary organisations not only have a right to campaign and lobby government but a duty to do so.,Our analysis Many Scottish third sector organisations receive UK Government funding.,We are discussing and sharing our concerns with Scottish Government and Scottish MPs.

Reference briefing: Scotland’s Labour Market Strategy

The Scottish Government has acknowledged the potential of community participation in helping to address,The social contract which has governed our welfare state in the post-war era appears out-dated in the,sector already plays a significant role in supporting employability and wider participation, but Government,We understand that the Scottish Government does not have full responsibility for the employability agenda,Collaborative approaches are key to success and we urge the Scottish Government to assess opportunities

What exactly do we mean by fairness?

simultaneously means everything to everyone and absolutely nothing in practical terms With the Scottish Government,It’s encouraging that the Government is talking in these terms.,The SNP Government has opened the door for social justice.,SCVO has started some of this thinking by producing a briefing for the Government debate.

Charity fundraising in Scotland to be improved with stronger self-regulation

independent panel comprising members of the public, donors, charities, fundraisers, OSCR and the Scottish Government,The Working Group has therefore recommended it to the Scottish Government as the model that should be,Secretary for Communities, Social Security and Equalities Angela Constance said: “The Scottish Government,Scottish Government and the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR) representatives provided input as observers

Scotland chooses self-regulation of charity fundraising

ENABLE Scotland) carried out the most wide-ranging and extensive consultation, since the Scottish Government’s,2016 and will be made up of the public, donors, charities, fundraisers, with OSCR and the Scottish Government

Clear, confident and connected: An enhanced system of charity fundraising regulation for Scotland

reports warranted further consideration in order to design a proactive approach to fundraising governance,At the initial request of Scottish Government, SCVO thereafter commissioned a review into self-regulation,The Working Group has also benefited from the involvement of Scottish Government and the Office of the,SCVO’s review was requested by the Scottish Government in light of the differing charity law, and some,OSCR has a high-level role in relation to fundraising and its relationship to charity governance.

Political activities are not only matters for politicians

transpired (watch this space) but I’m going to look here at one key question: how do NGOs respond to government,Governments across the world are, to varying degrees of severity, narrowing the space for the political,anti-terrorism legislation and the introduction of gagging clauses, such as those introduced by the UK Government,these measures is an anti-democratic desire to silence organisations that might be critical of governments,our work more generally to ensure that doesn’t change, regardless of which political party is in government

Funding Scotland