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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


What can we help you with?

Funding Scotland

Tackling poverty at a local level

people experiencing poverty over the coming weeks to develop our own series of asks for the local government

Right Approach Campaign: July - December 2016

This stands in contrast to the Scottish Government, which has continued to support human rights explicitly,, including in its latest Programme for Government.,campaign, such as on the Children in Care Review, the Scottish Labour Market Strategy, the Open Government,crucial messages from the campaign around citizen participation in decision making and holding government,Jul-16 Held roundtable with networks and Scottish Government to discuss Social Security Consultation

Lobbying register looks set to fail

out that this principle doesn’t lend itself well to private firms seeking to bend the ear of a government,Everybody knows Shelter wants the Government to prioritise homelessness and Energy Action Scotland wants,In light of the Scottish Government recently signing up to the Open Government Partnership - which is,charity lobbying – a situation that could skew public perceptions about the influence of charities on government

Gathering into the One Digital Zone, Ross McCulloch, Slack, Texthelp, RNIB, Technology Trust, Young Scot, Paisley YMCA, Scottish Government

Human Rights expert encourages third sector call to arms on Brexit

Professor Miller has been scathing about the UK Government’s adherence to human rights.,He suggested that that the Scottish Government’s compromise position paper would see Scotland retain,However, it looks increasingly unlikely that the UK Government will accept the proposal.

Third sector forecast for 2017

This year, respondents were also very concerned about government funding and the wider economy – 87%,of respondents think the financial situation of local government will worsen; 74% think the finances,of national government will worsen; and 69% believe the wider economic situation will worsen.

How can we tackle the disability employment gap?

The UK Government, in an attempt to halve the employment gap, has released a Green Paper on Work, Health,out of the discussion: People with disabilities have been among those least well-served by the Government’s,colleague Craig points out in his recent blog, with Theresa May’s focus firmly on productivity the Government,For example, how does the Government expect to do more for less money?

Rare opportunity to build better governance

As registrations for our special governance training series roll in, course organiser Caroline Copeman

Your organisation and the apprenticeship levy

Following a consultation last year, the Scottish Government decided to use the £221m of levy funding

Funding Scotland