OSCR Companies House Your local authority The Scottish government The Care Inspectorate HMRC The Health,auditors The list could go on, as I learned when I attended the CASS Business School Building Better Governance,financial responsibilities - real participation, involvement and accountability is vital for good governance
democracy by restricting the ability of third sector organisations to engage with parliament and government,impact, could now become a serious threat to the third sector’s engagement with parliament and government,register to civil servants as this would be detrimental to the partnership approach of the Scottish Government,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance
Local government has been cut by 7% in real terms.,Whatever you think of local government, the fear is that this will lead to cuts for our own sector (given,inevitable gaps that arise from council services being reduced In terms of social security, the Scottish Government,and also announced that £250 million of funding would be moved from the health budget to local government,there hasn’t been a direct hit on the third sector, but the repercussions of the cuts to local government
the public sector, with around 40% of the sector’s total income coming from local authorities, Government,Figure 1: number of organisations in receipt of public sector money The table below summarises government,The Scottish Government is the second largest funder, accounting for 20%.,The rest is made up from Non-Departmental Public Bodies, NHS and UK Government.,Note that while Scottish Government funding appears to have decreased, this may be linked to the increase
year we hosted a supplier engagement event for third sector organisations interested in the UK government's,The Government Digital Service has now opened their new digital training and support framework for submissions,The framework covers five lots: Assisted digital: Support to use government digital services Digital
September, alongside a review conducted by Sir Stuart Etherington for the Cabinet Office of the UK Government,and investment for trustees The review must not simply be about regulation, we need to look at governance,easily Having OSCR as the universal body should hopefully help to tie up better the issues of good governance,Charities have to take ownership of this process – you can’t have self-regulation imposed by government,appointment of Lord Grade as interim Chair of the new Fundraising Regulator SCVO and the Scottish Government