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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

A time of transitions and new agendas

Here in Scotland, the Scottish Government's big Fairer Scotland Conversation is beginning to wrap up,,Civil society internationally is coalescing around the Open Government Partnership mechanism, which is

Scotland Bill 2015-16 Report Stage – Monday 9th November

SCVO is pleased to see the UK government making a commitment to new powers over benefit creation and,Clause 19 - Disability, Industrial injuries and Carers' Benefits Since the UK government’s draft clauses,Given their mutual aims, we hope that UK government and SNP members will work together to ensure that,We consider that this would give the Scottish Government, and others, the ability to continue to promote,We would welcome clarification from the UK government during the Report Stage debate as to the effects

More projects receive funding to help people get online

We share the Scottish Government’s view that everyone in our community should have the basic skills to

SCVO 2016 Holyrood Manifesto - Key Themes

Open government and open data - working jointly with civil society to take forward actions and commitments,through the Open Government Partnership.

Is SCVO opposed to transparency?

The report claims that ‘SCVO has expressed opposition to the Scottish government’s plans to inject some,suggested that it would be better if MSPs bear the burden for transparency, but we didn’t oppose the government’s,response to the consultation, it’s clear that we largely agreed with what had been proposed by the government,We argued against the exclusion of charities from the register and went further than the government proposals

Commission on Local Government Tax Reform

It is hard to know why this has occurred, but it seems likely that the centralising of local government,And since the referendum, the Scottish Government has argued further for full fiscal autonomy from the,UK Government.,equalisation (the sharing of resources across areas according to need), but the principle that local government,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance

Creating a Fairer Scotland: Employability Support - SCVO Response

as follows: Context setting - new approach to employability, taking in new powers, the Scottish Government’s,The emergence of a shared agenda between government and civil society to build on the high levels of,We urge the Scottish Government to work with our sector and others to formulate national outcomes for,The Scottish Government also need consult widely over how the new European Structural Investment Funds,Government figures suggest about £32,000 a year to keep a young person in Polmont for 1 year.

A refreshing breeze of new ideas and new talents

We recently announced that we've been awarded £1.3m from the Scottish Government to create more jobs

Good governance = a happy #GE2015 for charities

interesting questions around the election, which has made me think of the fundamental importance of good governance,Charity trustees can do this by remembering the principles of good governance, and ensuring they: Understand

Funding Scotland