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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.


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Funding Scotland

Government must try harder on voter participation

recent elections, and far lower in deprived than affluent areas, I’m really pleased the Scottish Government

The Scottish Independence Bill: A consultation on an interim constitution for Scotland

Protect the space for civil society in a modern democracy to criticise government and hold it to account,Ensure the governance of our institutions is open and transparent.,the UK’s Lobbying Act, and the challenge on Human Rights from some of the current UK Coalition Government,Such a move would protect such rights from being removed by Government, and would mean that some of our,Ensure the governance of our institutions are open and transparent.

SCVO response: OSCR - Targeted Regulation of Scottish Charities

The new questions around charity governance and training are straightforward, but the purpose of OSCR,If the intention is to get charity trustees to think about measures to improve their governance, issuing,best practice guidance on governance could be a better route to adopt, than asking questions in an annual,Given the role of Third Sector Interfaces, SCVO and other intermediary bodies in promoting good governance,charities, community groups, social enterprises and voluntary organisations of all shapes and sizes our governance

Humdrum Scottish Budget means all eyes will be on Spending Review

Remember the hoo-haa around the Chancellor's announcement to get first time buyers a government supported,This money flows from that, and means the Scottish Government can only use the money for loans or equity,Could this be an opportunity to deliver the government's “decisive shift to prevention”?,We still see ring-fencing of increases in NHS spending from UK Government to Scottish NHS, provisions

Politics and power podcast

representative democracy in Scotland, campaigns for improvements in the systems and processes of government

Smith Commission - SCVO interim response

Our sector broadly aspires to work with governments and the Scottish Parliament to: reduce inequality,Taxation We expect that there will be broad support for the proposition that governments at all levels,Localism and local government There has now been much debate about the distribution or centralisation,of powers within Scotland, and between the Scottish Government and local authorities.,with direct funding and relationships between local government and, for example, the Department for

Digital participation in Scotland: the strategy is delivery

If you keep your eyes peeled then you'll see the Scottish Government's Let's Get On branding starting,to appear across lots of the things the government is doing, from getting superfast broadband rolled

Government must stop trying to gag charities

MPs have just complained about Oxfam's recent campaign poster on poverty, which challenges bad UK Government,, seems to be under pressure by government to restrict charity campaigning.,But governments buy into our mission, they don’t direct it.,enshrine the right to be a “critical friend” of government even when in receipt of government funding,policies than current Coalition Government policies.

Post referendum: what will it mean for carers?

We must build on this and it is incumbent on governments on both sides of the border, and of course organisations,The Scottish Government will legislate for a Carers Bill.

Funding Scotland