Who we are Digital Champion Training, Digital Checkup, DigiShift, Design Hops and the Senior Leaders,, Digital Checkup, DigiShift, Design Hops or the Senior Leaders Programme we collect information about,We will use this data to offer your organisation support to develop in the areas of Digital Participation,Leadership development programme with monthly meetings and interactive support from SCVO Digital team,For as long as you are receiving digital support from SCVO we may send you occasional ‘special’ digital
Information, resources and support We also provided practical information, resources and support.,capacity building in the voluntary sector with a particular focus on digital services, digital inclusion,pre-coronavirus Hosted a range of practical and discursive webinars for hundreds of attendees including Digishift, zoom calls to talk about all things digital and Opendoor webinars where we discuss the big issues for,young people, staff and employers Support services And we responded quickly to flex and adapt our support
training (about 600 for our DigiShift calls, 700 for our digital masterclasses and another 1,000 for,at the TSI annual conference May: A new guide on managing website projects, including a launch at DigiShift,June: Continuing the practical theme, hearing about a great guide to CRMs and databases on a DigiShift,support sessions What have we noticed or learned?,We’ve got a strong Digital theme at The Gathering, with events on digital change, building your cyber
You can find the whole range of our recorded webinars on the SCVO YouTube channel - as well as lots more videos curated for the voluntary sector in Scotland. Highlights We've picked some highlights for you here by topic, to get you started:
, see our How To Guide: Digital Services SCVO in collaboration with Third Sector Lab are also supporting,organisations to share best practice through regular DigiShift zoom calls, DigiListen podcasts and blogs,Remember the need to protect privacy and support good safeguarding practice where users are sharing personal,Association might need to give its tenants free WiFi, or a youth organisation might want to offer supported,text message with a survey link More information See SCVO events calendar for details of upcoming DigiShift
evaluate if your online service delivery is working for them, especially after any updates in the digital,prepared to stop if it isn’t working Hear what your users and team are saying One big advantage of a digital,If you are hearing more negative comments, or seeing limited usage you might need to offering more support,SCVO and Third Sector Lab ran a DigiShift call in November 2020 focused on "The how and why of evaluating,digital services and tools".
We are still providing guidance and support to help organisations respond to the pandemic, but this is,now part of our main website: HR and employment Digital support Finding funding Events Celebrating the,Other key topics were coronavirus restrictions (10% of traffic), employee support (10% of traffic) and,digital change (5% of all traffic).,We used this to develop hundreds of webinars (like our Opendoor and DigiShift webinars), with help from
gets digital Themes and key next steps Our ask to funders and support organisations Introduction This,During this time of change, over 2,500 organisations came to 50 DigiShift community calls to develop,, training and support.,Our digital champions provided person-centred support to help people to get the most out of the devices,With thanks to The DigiShift Community and all of the inspirational organisations we’ve worked with Wm
support, development of digital platforms and delivery of a shared funding platformtransforming the,offering ‘quick fix’ emergency digital support service to 60 organisations.,Our digital team has hosted 40 free #DigiShift webinars and six Cyber Scotland Week events for hundreds,to support learning and developing long term digital skills.,To-date, over 40,000 households have been supported and 2,700 Digital Champions have been trained to
Katya Allcott of Scottish Mentoring Network blogs about her organisation’s digital journey It’s April,2020 and I’m sitting at my desk waiting to enter the second ever DigiShift call on Zoom.,It’s not even called DigiShift – at this point it’s being referred to as ‘Big Zoom Call for Charities,students about to enter the workplace, to staff members of a bakery – would be looking to us for support,Our priority was to try and support our members – and I realised quite quickly that we couldn’t generate