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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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attracted to join SCVO as members because SCVO is a driving force within Scotland’s charity sector, championing,platforms for our wellbeing services adding digital and telephone counselling, Zoom Coping with Change,workshops, befriending calls and a suite of digital self-help resources which have all been a major,By adding these digital services, we have become more accessible to people living in rural communities,attracted to join SCVO as members because SCVO is a driving force within Scotland’s charity sector, championing

Digital Motivators

Once you've been through this guide you may also find it helpful to explore our companion guides, Digital,inclusion: How to and Digital Champions: How to.

Recruiting Digital Champions

What is a Digital Champion?,Is it to support the digital skills of your workforce?,There are different types of Digital Champions (referenced in our Digital Champion Guide), and you should,, the number of Digital Champions you have versus the number of people you’re supporting (workload),,and the current level of digital skills of the people you intend to support (intensity of support).

Supporting Digital Champions

Now that you’ve recruited your Digital Champions it’s time to think about how you provide ongoing support,Peer support Create a network for your Digital Champions to share best practice and celebrate their wins,Unite Technology Guides You can then begin to curate your own learning pathways on different topics.,Usually, Digital Champions can advance through the different tiers based on how many people they support,Impact Stories Being able to quantify how many people have been supported by your Digital Champions is

Your Digital Champions

Digital Champions to build their skills and confidence What is a Digital Champion?,They are also likely to have most of the digital skills to offer others support.,Learners will often return to someone they trust for more digital skills support.,Digital Champions often provide support to their colleagues too.,“Digital Champions are on hand to help and guide participants and have benefited from increased confidence


Doing digital inclusion requires some level of resource.,It can be a commitment to using existing resources, including how your workforce embed digital practices,Key actions Invest in digital upskilling Protect time for workforce digital upskilling Map existing internal,existing external resources In this section we share the different ways an organisation can resource digital,Check out our Digital Inclusion Masterclass video 'Doing digital inclusion with limited resources': https

Measuring impact

Manage the demand on your Digital Champions.,data on the activities of your Digital Champions.,Digital Champions keep a tally or how many learners they’ve supported, and at the end of the week they,How confident do you feel as a Digital Champion?,What further support would be helpful in your role as a Digital Champion?

Resource and sustainability

v=8cs3rnb_3tw Sustainability The idea of sustainability in digital inclusion is often misunderstood.,Digital inclusion cannot be sustained without ongoing resource, whether this is the purchase of devices,, provision of connectivity or even the availability of people to support digital skills.,When we refer to sustainability in digital inclusion we are really talking about making our efforts '

Digital inclusion sessions

inclusion: a session for the wider workforce to introduce digital inclusion and build support for your,Digital inclusion strategy: a session for a smaller group to develop your approach to digital inclusion,Digital Champions: a session for a smaller group to plan how you'll recruit, train, and support a dedicated,team of Digital Champions.,This will help guide your conversations with our team.

The role of the Digital Champion

That's what a Digital Champion does.,You don’t need to be a digital expert to be a Digital Champion.,It can also feel like a big responsibility and this guide is here to help support you.,Could I be a Digital Champion?,In this guide we will use the term ‘Digital Champions’ to cover all these terms.

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: