Digital Champions to build their skills and confidence What is a Digital Champion?,They are also likely to have most of the digital skills to offer others support.,You can use our Essential Digital Skills Checklists to help measure these skills.,Digital Champions often provide support to their colleagues too.,“Digital Champions are on hand to help and guide participants and have benefited from increased confidence
Are you going to focus on helping people build their digital skills and confidence?,Key actions Be a digital leader Build support for digital inclusion across the organisation Embed digital,Are there opportunities to undertake digital skills learning during work time?,Is there support during induction to help address any digital skills gaps, especially for people who,information and content' in the Essential Digital Skills framework.
How we deliver Digital Champion support has changed throughout the course of the pandemic.,Normally, a Digital Champion would support someone with their digital skills face-to-face in a setting,If you’ve already covered the Foundation Digital Skills you can move onto Essential Digital Skills for,See our section on Essential Digital Skills for further ideas and resources.,Digital skills support won’t always be separate from other things going on in a person’s life.
That’s the same for digital skills: without the Essential Digital Skills and the motivation to use the,Support local volunteers to become digital champions.,Understand Essential Digital Skills.,Essential Digital Skills underpin everything we do online, and it’s important that people are able to,There are five Essential Digital Skills – learning about these will provide a great jumping off point