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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Cancer Support Scotland We talked to Stephanie Quigley, service manager with Cancer Support Scotland,during the pandemic, we expanded to digital platforms for our wellbeing services adding digital and,By adding these digital services, we have become more accessible to people living in rural communities,We joined SCVO to be part of a nationally recognised organisation, whose mission is to support, promote,We'd love to share your story.

Place-based digital inclusion

By understanding that digital can improve multiple outcomes for people, and through linking services,up to provide holistic support for supporting people online, taking a place-based approach to digital,Our digital inclusion team will guide participants through practical exercises, offering hands-on experience,digital inclusion ecosystem within your community.,If place-based digital inclusion sounds like it could benefit your community – we’d love to hear from

The role of the Digital Champion

It can also feel like a big responsibility and this guide is here to help support you.,In this guide we will use the term ‘Digital Champions’ to cover all these terms.,All roles that come into regular contact with people using services can be Digital Champions.,a specific paid post to promote digital inclusion.,Example:Alison works as a Digital Inclusion Officer for a local community organisation, it’s a new post

SCVO Impact Report 2022/23

Through our work, we’re strengthening SCVO’s position as a supportive, knowledgeable, trusted, inclusive,webpage views 60 organisations received Cyber Readiness Check support calls Digital inclusion SCVO’s,digital inclusion team has continued its work to build capacity for partnership working in the digital,and co-delivered solutions Increased stakeholder buy-in and digital inclusion delivery by members Increased,the opportunity to get together to explore Scotland's digital landscape and the brilliant digital inclusion

New website launched to support volunteering campaign

Make Your Mark is part of Scotland’s strategy for the built environment.

Agile Working and Risk Management

Covid-19 continues to be the most prominent challenge to projects planning digital inclusion projects,In our session we’ve looked beyond this and explored the theme “What risks do you think your project,planning for digital inclusion in communities.,If in doubt, reach out to Volunteer Scotland for more support and resources.,Our How to Guide for Digital Inclusion is a great resource for this!

Digital is booming and charities are starting to join the revolution

Paul Cardwell looks at which charities are making the best use of digital technology to explore how your

Daily coronavirus roundup for third sector, Friday 26 June

How the third sector is responding to the pandemic #NeverMoreNeeded

Council elections: Scotland's voluntary sector makes its demands

TFN's guide to charity council election manifestos

SCVO submission to the Law Family Commission on Civil Society

new funding sources following the UK's exit from the EU to encourage joined-up thinking and creative, inclusive,and the social capital it provides can flourish in Scotland beyond the recovery, both sustainably and inclusively,The sector also provides digital devices and support to develop digital skills for digitally excluded,Voluntary organisations need long-term funding that encourages joined-up thinking and creative, inclusive,There are also over 250,000 trustees across Scotland who help manage, shape and guide voluntary sector

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: