Cancer Support Scotland We talked to Stephanie Quigley, service manager with Cancer Support Scotland,during the pandemic, we expanded to digital platforms for our wellbeing services adding digital and,By adding these digital services, we have become more accessible to people living in rural communities,We joined SCVO to be part of a nationally recognised organisation, whose mission is to support, promote,We'd love to share your story.
Engaging actively in partnerships, internal and external, in support of digital inclusion.,Promote digital inclusion and participate in national conversations.,We are working to build a community around the work that happens across the country, to support, guide,We’ve developed a guide to support you in how you can make positive, sustainable change happen.,Our place-based guide is informed by our years of experience in supporting communities to understand
John leads on SCVO’s digital checkup service and in-depth guides on topics such as AI.,David provides strategic leadership to SCVO to support, promote and develop a confident, sustainable,He is responsible for work on policy, membership and sector support services.,of Digital for Good, promoting the benefits of adopting lean and agile methodologies.,As Head of Digital at Simon Community Scotland he leads on digital inclusion through the national Get
This year's guide focused on inclusion, equality, diversity and environmentalism and what charities can,v=GZjK3UbuU_0 Our digital voluntary sector Digital inclusion Drawing on our strong track record for tackling,digital exclusion and our vision for a fairer, more digitally inclusive Scotland, in 2023 we launched,our ‘Making digital inclusion everyone’s responsibility: a roadmap for Scotland’.,Along with this valuable resource, our Digital Inclusion team continued building vital digital capacity