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Funding Scotland

Supporting Scotland's vibrant voluntary sector

Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations

The Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations is the membership organisation for Scotland's charities, voluntary organisations and social enterprises. Charity registered in Scotland SC003558. Registered office Mansfield Traquair Centre, 15 Mansfield Place, Edinburgh EH3 6BB.

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Wherever you are in your digital journey, we have resources to help you. Here you'll find out all about the practical support we can offer you, from help and guidance to research and news.

Reports and news

All the latest insights from our Digital team Reports Supporting workforce digital skills in local government,Throughout 2021 SCVO Digital worked with 19 local authorities to support workforce digital skills programmes,Workforce-Skills-in-Local-GovernmentDownload Place-based digital inclusion Our Digital Inclusion team,SCVO Digital - Taking a place-based approach to digital inclusion - the story so farDownload For more,SCVO Social Housing Digital Champions Network Evaluation (2020)

Scotland's Digital Participation Challenge fund

Our Digital Participation Challenge Fund, supported by the Scottish Government, the ERDF and BT, invests,The projects that we’re supporting will enable groups and organisations to digitise content, build digital,digital world.,by posting content to your project page (here’s an example) Other terms and conditions will also apply,to identify additional in-kind support (e.g. donations of equipment and volunteers).

Support & learning

How to deliver digital services, tackle digital exclusion and develop digital skills HR information,setting up or running a voluntary sector organisation Find out more Upcoming events Infrastructure support,Scotland’s Third Sector Interfaces (TSIs) Networks Make the most of professional connections and peer support,recognition, capacity building, and professional education for the voluntary sector Find out more Latest posts,The latest posts in support & learning.

The role of the Digital Champion

Volunteer Digital Champions will provide support through an organisation and will likely have a role,She is supported by the community centre staff and provides digital skills support every Wednesday between,They have their primary job to do, but they incorporate digital ‘nudges’ in this support.,a specific paid post to promote digital inclusion.,Example:Alison works as a Digital Inclusion Officer for a local community organisation, it’s a new post

New service delivery models

, see our How To Guide: Digital Services SCVO in collaboration with Third Sector Lab are also supporting,Remember the need to protect privacy and support good safeguarding practice where users are sharing personal,Pinned posts that stay at the top of your feed are useful for this. ,quickly, a Twitter thread or ‘view-only’ link to a Google Doc is more accessible and just as quick to post,See also our blog post on questions about privacy and security when using Zoom.If you’re running a Zoom

Your organisation’s legacy

You may need to think about storage of any physical or digital assets, including financial records.,may want to think about how you celebrate your achievements, and what happens to any people you were supporting,Any digital assets (e.g. website) What will you do with any digital assets such as a website or other

Digital: The Oldest New Thing

Why are we still talking about digital in 2024? Because change is a constant.

Making digital inclusion everyone’s responsibility: a roadmap for Scotland

The challenge We live in a digital world, but some people remain excluded.,The coronavirus pandemic proved that having a digital device, connectivity and the ability to use them,We believe this inequality is unacceptable and everyone has a part to play in increasing digital inclusion,We’ve developed this post-pandemic roadmap to define where we’re at, where we need to go and the high,level actions we need to take towards significantly reducing digital exclusion in Scotland.

Essential digital skills

and media links I can log in remotely to my email and other work-related communication tools I can post,privacy and security is still one of the prevailing reasons people are offline, and so the importance of supporting,What support does this individual need to achieve the greatest benefits to them of being online, whilst,and guidance, such as in relation to a specific online risk; Offering additional technical safeguard support,, e.g. help setting up certain parental controls; Devoting additional time or resources to supporting

Our work to help organisations grow their digital capacity is supported by: